Title: Speech
Fandom: BtVS
Characters: Drusilla/Spike, Darla, mentions of Spike/Buffy
Rating: PG
Words: 100
Summary: She wants her boy back, and will stop at nothing to get him.
Warnings: None.
"The boy's mine, slayer" Dru said. "I found him in the streets of England, the stars were shining bright and guided me to him, whispering naughty things about that good british boy. I found him, I gave him life again, and he’s mine. And I shall have him again, I assure you this. He’s my love, bitch.”
She turns around at Darla, who’s clapping behind her. She smiles at her “grandmommy’s” approval.
“Good work, Dru. The bitch in the end, like I recommended, is a nice touch. With this, you’ll get him back... or, you can just kill the slayer, whatever…”