Feb 05, 2006 02:02
Recently, the voters of WA state--en masse--decided to ban smoking in public/business places. this was truly a moment of the majority exercising their democratic right to say a big 'Fuck You' all the pricks who think its their right to blow carcinogens into our faces and take part in a truly disgusting habit that any person with an IQ over 50 would abstain from.
BUT, little bitches like CASA QUE PASA think they over ride our democratic system and publicly exhibit their flagrant disregard for our democracy AND the general good of the public by denouncing the smoking ban, and hence, not enforcing it.
that's right
i strolled in to C.Q.P. and low and behold there's a type A fuck-up taking up an entire table to himself and smoking away in the face of the very glue that holds our country together. BAD IDEA!!!!!
that's right
I fuckin' called Bellingham PD and had his bitch-ass thrown out of C.Q.P. and the very establishment that made possible his terroristic behavior was given a big ol' fine for fuckin' with the wrong bad ass (i.e. ME!).
C.P.Q.: 0
Alex "Fucking" Sanchez: 1
---end of story---