[Yousuke greatly appreciates this fact. Or, he would, if he didn't assume she didn't notice.]
Oh, yeah. Uh... alright, skip the practice I guess. Well, skip straight to the music, then? I can get like, thirty hours worth of some pretty good metal!
Sweet. See you then. [click. phones don't go click anymore. phones should go click again.]
((fff. I've been trying to write a paper for the last four hours or so and I think I'm finally making headway, so you might be better off making the post if you want it to happen anytime before, oh, the end of days.))
Hey, Riza! I just wanted to see if you wanted to, like, practice for band or something. A-and I can bring music!
Aren't we supposed to be not practicing? Or practicing how to suck? Or... something?
Oh, yeah. Uh... alright, skip the practice I guess. Well, skip straight to the music, then? I can get like, thirty hours worth of some pretty good metal!
[Improvisation begun.]
[...aahhhhh omigod invited to her room!] Alright, I'll be right over. Uh, which room?
((It's awkward time. Who gets to make the post?))
((fff. I've been trying to write a paper for the last four hours or so and I think I'm finally making headway, so you might be better off making the post if you want it to happen anytime before, oh, the end of days.))
((Gotcha, post on its way!))
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