Anatomy, taught by Tsunade. In here on Ed Elric's suggestion. Not so great at writing papers, but she gets the work done.
Band, taught by "Dead Bones" Brook. Learning how to play the guitar. Loves the class so much. Will never miss it ever.
Combat, taught by Toph Bei-Fong. Now that the zombie apocalypse has struck, she's sticking with the class.
Creative Thinking, taught by Lily Potter. The closest to a power development class she'll get around here.
English, taught by Emma Frost. Actually sort of interesting as long as they keep the reading to the cool stuff.
Math, taught by Bobby Drake. Hates the material, but her dad wants her to be as well-rounded as possible, so she's doing it for him.
German, taught by Sasha Nein. Mostly in the class for fun, having been born in Germany and everything.
Physical Education, taught by Cloud Strife. This is like recess for her, are you kidding?
Al Elric (
hollow_metal). Admires the bond he has with his brother. Will be friendly towards him, but doesn't quite consider him a friend yet.
Brook (
skull_joke). The best teacher ever. No, seriously.
Edym "Demyx" Raffles (
melodyofwater). She likes chilling with him and learning from him, but she'll also defend him from his crappy friends when she can. It just isn't fair that someone like him has to deal with someone like Axel.
Gangryong Ma (
lightning_cub). Ahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahahahaha aaaahahahahah.
Giselle Vanderhall (
sunny_singer). Waaay too happy to deal with early in the morning, but she could get used to her company. At least she's not a bad musician.
Haku (
broken_tool). Latest member in the club of people she'll defend irrevocably. If anyone -- anyone -- gives this kid crap, they'll have to answer to the wrong end of Riza's fists.
Harry Dresden (
gettheeadonut). A cool guy and good friend. She owes him a high five or two.
Ino Yamanaka (
usedheartswap). Way too much fun to mess with. Will probably keep it up even if they become real friends.
J (
musicalmesmer). How does she know so many cool dudes? Yeah, she's having a little fun messing with him, but it's all good natured. Gotta keep those Southern boys on their toes, or something.
Kurt Wagner (
thefuzzydude). Thinks it's the coolest thing that there's another German here. Wants to learn more about him before she calls him a straight-up friend.
Larsa Ferrinas Solidor (
miniguardian). Would be good to be on his side in a fight just for the defensive capabilities. Hasn't formed any other serious opinions of him yet.
Norman Burg (
dustsrobots). Right now, the only person she would feel bad about pissing off. She respects authority, and Norman's doing his best.
Olivier Enjolras (
righteousapollo). Worried about making him mad at her, but glad that he's proud of her for the pie thing.
Soifon (
thehornetssting). Intimidating and powerful and worthy of so much respect. She will do whatever she can to stay on Soifon's good side.
Spin (
listennlearn). She really only has the best intentions in mind for him. She's treating him like the little brother she never had and would like nothing better than to see him mature into a strong-minded, strong-willed dude.
Starr (
attunedtotunes). Needs to hang out with her in person, since she is right down the hall and everything.
Tatsuki Arisawa (
valetudochamp). Number one on both her shit and revenge lists. It's a playful rivalry. Probably. Mostly. Well, at least no one's going to get seriously hurt. Physically.
Yousuke Hanamura (
advisortype). Currently at Boything status.