Nov 13, 2005 03:39
Sadly, we're not.
We don't really deserve a future, we are not a decent race, we are not doing the best we can.
All we are is an abandoned project, with too many bugs to continue to be worked on, but with the premise of an inefficient self-improvement code. A running program that does not do what it's supposed to, merely because it is too busy patching itself. And it falls into a continuously foreseen everlasting loop, which slowly advances to the sharp eyed, but it is very likely to kill the machine before it makes any real progress. In any case, it's just not worth the wait, or the effort, for that matter.
We simply don't improve. We are a race of immense potential, but that's as far as the advantages go. We crave for entertainment and pleasures to keep going. We are in a constant need of temporal accomplishment and self-pride feelings. We want to be important, and even when some of us would like to grow up individually, they're doing it all wrong. Almost every technological advance made in the last century falls under the category of, and please, read this very carefully, make modern life easier. The highlights of our life span consist of reproducing and describing our experiences, in the very same poor restricted language that our forefathers taught us. Of course, not without a witty smart movie reference. And we hope our love for the neighbor will save us all. I'd call it inefficient.
Ten thousand years, and we haven't been able to overcome these glitches in our character. As thinking individuals, we should be more aware of this. Ten thousand years, and our days are still ruled by mindless pride, we still lock ourselves into a straight line drawn before our birth. All this time and there isn't anything tangible to remember us by. Every single inhabitant of this planet wakes up and goes to sleep with only one thought in their mind. And all I can think of is how dissappointing that is. How would a single eyed outsider contemplate our pathetic misguided efforts to survive.
In my opinion, and to give myself some of that accomplishment feeling mentioned above, the machine will die first. If you think otherwise, my heart goes to you. Do whatever you can to make it come true. Or not.