
Oct 02, 2010 15:27

Well... I don't have seven friends that I can tag for this *forever alone* but I'll still do it because lialuvchun told me to. :D

1. The new Twitter page layout follows the Golden ratio.
2. The above has nothing to do with me. Heehee.
3. My real name is Kjelti. I have no idea what it means. LOL.
4. I never thought I would marry a Chinese person (read- Singaporean). Nothing rascist or elitist here, just preference.
5. I've never really had a "happiest" moment in my life; life has always been good enough.
6. I have a really short attention span. I started this at 10am, it's now 3pm and I'm at number 6.
7. There was a period of time in my life when I spent the better part of the week in church.
8. I couldn't type fast. But now I can't.
9. As much as I would love to consider myself a polyglot, I can't. ]= I'm only really proficient in 2 languages, and speak a smattering of another 5-6 languages.
10. I've acted (not once but twice) in front of thousands of people. I still can't believe I did that.

11. I've had 7 blogs and 10 email addresses since I've discovered the interwebs.
12. My favourite smells are (in no particular order) laundry drying under a hot sun, my aunt's apartment in Brooklyn, my bed, freshly baked bread, and sunscreen.
13. I really enjoy those tactile baby books with bits of fabric and whatnots to touch.
14. I've never had a clear ambition or dream job. I just want to own my villa in the Maldives
15. I've been single all my life. All 18 years and 11 months. Oh well. (Don't know if anyone's interested. Heh.)
16. I really like metal, much to the surprise of many who think that I should like classical music instead. Oh and sleazy lounge music. I love that stuff.
17. I learned how to ride a bike by going down a slope that was perpendicular to a main road. When you face an on-coming car, you WILL learn how to cycle.
18. I kinda miss playing golf.
19. I wish that my kids will all be in multiples.
20. I'm not bad at anything, but I'm not terribly good at anything either. I'm just average.

21. I used to really want to be like Harry Potter, and get discovered as a wizard. I still do. I want a dragon for a pet!
22. Lee Junho, Lee Joon and Rain have spoiled most men for me. Except themselves, of course. (Eli I still love you!)
23. I can't stand losing arguments, especially if it's about factual things, or if I don't like the other party. I also have trouble putting up with people who are extremely slow in understanding things. Not good.
24. I LOVE putting together IKEA furniture. Possible career if university doesn't work out for me.
25. I also like watching production lines.

If you made it this far, congratulations! Here's a cat for you.

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