where has the sun gone

Feb 15, 2008 09:47

Well what can i say lol, its that nasty gloomy weather again tut tut. At least i got two days off :D. Im going to Yeovil tomorrow to see Sarah and play with ratties :D and hopefully before that meet up with sabby and Jen if we are all in town at the same time lol :)

Well on wednesday i officially became assistant manager :), Go me go me :). OK its a little shop but its a huge company that owns it, so its a big thing for me. I hope i will be ok. Nick the manager is really nice and he knows i cant do very long hours etc, i made this clear from the start lol. When the old assistant manager left he asked me all the time could i do it, every time i said no i dont want the responsibility again as in me last job i was senior supervisor and the long hours and stress made me very ill so i hads to leave. Yet he kewp asking and when he showed me the rota for me it did look attractive and suited my home life, so i took the plunge and said yes :).

On the ratty side i think i might have to say goodbye to Cordie soon, she is looking so frail and old, her head tilt has got worse, she is on meds jusdt Incas it is an ear infection, as she hd one before ages and ages ago and the head tilt never went after the infection had cleared, her ears arnt smelly or anything like the last time but i don't want to take any chances, im pretty sure it isn't a stroke as her body is very Mobile and no weaknesses on either sides of her body, i think its old age more then anything she is almost 28 months now, i will just see how she goes over the weekend, i might take her out with charlie and put them in the Mary for now as he is almost 31 months and just likes to sleep alot and have his porridge, yes i will do that :) away from the naughty 1 year olds lol, she might feel happier :)

Right im off to shower and get dressed and await the arrival of piggy, she is only a few months old, her cage mate died and the people who have her dont want to get anymore as she wasnt really theirs to start with, they and a few other animals were dumped on them after their so called mates went on holiday, im sure this little one will fit in with the girls, they are pretty laid back, she is coming with a hutch so i will see how big it is, if its smaller then the one my girls are in now i will put the boys in it, they need a hutch as the cage they are in, is huge , but i have so many layers on it to keep out the cold as they are in my out house, a hutch will be so much better for them, they did say it was pretty big.

Later alligator

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