Jan 12, 2005 02:00
sixty9irishrover: hey whats your take on time?
A Good Friend: my take?
sixty9irishrover: sorry im in a rather philosophical mood
A Good Friend: it oves slow when you want to to move fast, and it moves to fast when you want it to move slow
A Good Friend: its a gift that god has given us
sixty9irishrover: lol
A Good Friend: to make us appreciate the time wwe have in this existance
sixty9irishrover: i guess
sixty9irishrover: but i meant do you believe its linear?
A Good Friend: ooo, thats a tough one
A Good Friend: in whos perspective?
A Good Friend: from a human perpective, yes
A Good Friend: from gods perspective, no
sixty9irishrover: from an omnipotent observeer
A Good Friend: then no
sixty9irishrover: then what would it be?
A Good Friend: god is omnipotent
A Good Friend: which includes being omnipresent
A Good Friend: i believe that includes present throughout time
sixty9irishrover: or infinite
A Good Friend: his same presence is here now, as it was in the time of adam and eve
A Good Friend: because time doesnt exist for him
sixty9irishrover: yea
A Good Friend: he just is
sixty9irishrover: ok heres my take on time for the moment lets leave god out of the equation... we can add him in later
A Good Friend: ok
sixty9irishrover: I believe that time is circular
A Good Friend: literally, or philosophically?
sixty9irishrover: yes
A Good Friend: both?
sixty9irishrover: yes
A Good Friend: i dont quite get that one...
sixty9irishrover: ok suppose that the circle of time is infinitely big
A Good Friend: ok
sixty9irishrover: and you are a limit approaching a point on that circle
A Good Friend: ok
sixty9irishrover: then because of that your belief of time would be linear because
sixty9irishrover: you would be only concerned with the tangent to the circle
A Good Friend: ok
sixty9irishrover: therefore
sixty9irishrover: if the circle was allowed to complete itself it wouldnt matter if the universe collapsed or not because it would be instantaneoulsy recontructed and the universe would reopeat itself
A Good Friend: so were doomed to repeat our lives over and over for eternity, oblivious to our former our future existances for the rest of circular time?
sixty9irishrover: no because the circle is infinite
sixty9irishrover: *infinetely big
A Good Friend: so when does time end?
A Good Friend: revelation in the bible?
sixty9irishrover: it will continue unless acted upon by an outside force
A Good Friend: god
sixty9irishrover: sure
sixty9irishrover: you can call it what ever you want
sixty9irishrover: god, another plain of existence, etc
A Good Friend: so the outside force acts upon the loop, cutting it off
sixty9irishrover: more or less actually most likely it would send it either into some sort of spiral.... or a sine wave
sixty9irishrover: which would ineffect end our ability to survive....
A Good Friend: how so?
sixty9irishrover: it would virtually fry our brains
A Good Friend: possibly
A Good Friend: your putting time into a math equation though
sixty9irishrover: Everything boils down to some equation tho
A Good Friend: does racism?
sixty9irishrover: sure
A Good Friend: i disagree
sixty9irishrover: it would be an equation that had a stupidity factor and a hate factor
A Good Friend: not necessary
sixty9irishrover: if the combination was right... just once
A Good Friend: there are so many factors that contribute to it
A Good Friend: and these factors weigh differently in every individual
sixty9irishrover: no personally i believe that there are genetic dispositions..
A Good Friend: there are an infinite amount of biological factors that conteribute to how racism affects behaviour
A Good Friend: there is that too
A Good Friend: but genetic dispositions cant be the only cause
A Good Friend: its been proven that there are genetic dispositions, but its also been proven that racism can be learned
sixty9irishrover: i believe that the genes carry our history and therefore have an infinite affect on our dipositions towards certain things
A Good Friend: well, then you believe genes can also be changed
sixty9irishrover: yes
sixty9irishrover: recessive to dominant and back
A Good Friend: but its been proven that racism is learned
A Good Friend: for example
A Good Friend: i have no prejudice against people from alaska
sixty9irishrover: do you know anyone from alaska?
A Good Friend: no one in my family, my gene pool has had any relations with people from alaska
A Good Friend: i know no one from alaska
sixty9irishrover: see
sixty9irishrover: my pint
sixty9irishrover: *point
A Good Friend: but if my child was raised with an alaskan who always picked on him, he would be dispositioned to be racist towards alaskans
A Good Friend: thats a learned behaviour
A Good Friend: not genetical
sixty9irishrover: correct but if it was stressful enough it could be passed into his genes
sixty9irishrover: recorded for his lineage
A Good Friend: ok
A Good Friend: but how would you calculate his racism?
A Good Friend: you would have to take into account his genetical predisposition, AND his experiences relating to the subject
A Good Friend: those experences are impossible to quantify
sixty9irishrover: i dont know there would have to be some contsant and probably multiple variables
sixty9irishrover: most likely it would be an antiderivative
A Good Friend: an incalculable amount of variables
sixty9irishrover: maybe or maybe not
A Good Friend: you think to much in calculus
sixty9irishrover: lol
sixty9irishrover: but that would get rid of you incalcuable # of variables
A Good Friend: i dont think so
A Good Friend: because there is no constant
sixty9irishrover: yea
A Good Friend: its just an infinite amount of unknown, uncalculable variables causeing an unquantifiable behaviour
sixty9irishrover: no
sixty9irishrover: because you would stil have a contant and the precise number of variables
sixty9irishrover: the constant would account for his predispostion
sixty9irishrover: the variables to the specific genes that control that genetic dispotion
A Good Friend: but each of those varialbes would weigh differently from case to case
sixty9irishrover: no
A Good Friend: yeah
A Good Friend: some people can handle being picked on more readily than others
sixty9irishrover: they would be seperate variables independent of each other
sixty9irishrover: correct a genetic disposition
sixty9irishrover: It would have to be an indefinite integral tho
sixty9irishrover: that way it would very from person to person
A Good Friend: but how do you figure out how much each variable weighs?
A Good Friend: and how can you discover those variables?
A Good Friend: life experiences are hard to quantify
sixty9irishrover: it would be proportional to the representaion in the gene
A Good Friend: how can i put how much i love sarah into a math equation?
sixty9irishrover: they would be cancelled out when calculated because of the definite integral
A Good Friend: your math is getting a bit to advanced for me
A Good Friend: and i dont think technology has caught up to your math
sixty9irishrover: i believe that is correct
sixty9irishrover: I would approach love like a limit as x approches infinity
sixty9irishrover: that is to say very carefully
A Good Friend: but then why dont relationships always work when two people are in love?
sixty9irishrover: lol
sixty9irishrover: because ppl are falliable
A Good Friend: can you put falliability into a math equation?
sixty9irishrover: there is always a certain amount of error calculated into any math equation
sixty9irishrover: especially limits
sixty9irishrover: and derivatives and integrals
A Good Friend: so, going back to the racism equation, you could predict a genetic disposition, including a huge margin of error
sixty9irishrover: yea like the infinite number of numbers between 1 and 1.1
A Good Friend: so you could create this equation for racism, but the margin of error would be so large, why create it at all?
A Good Friend: if its not reliable
A Good Friend: i think this is why human responses to complex ideas cannot be quantified
sixty9irishrover: because the probability that it would be right would lie in my favor
A Good Friend: theres too much error
A Good Friend: so you could predict and get it right over 50 percent of the time
sixty9irishrover: if i had an equation
sixty9irishrover: that i felt confident in yes
sixty9irishrover: if you had the equation
A Good Friend: i have my doubts though whether such an equation could be produced
sixty9irishrover: then the chances of being wrong would be like the chances of getting struck by lightning while winning the lottery, while choking on gum, while taking a leak
A Good Friend: there are simply too many variables
sixty9irishrover: right
sixty9irishrover: but if you could solve for the known variables
sixty9irishrover: then.....
A Good Friend: its the unknown variables that will kill you, and make your reliability crap
sixty9irishrover: you would have an equation and as more variables became discovered and the equation becomes deadly accurate
sixty9irishrover: not so
sixty9irishrover: because they die off as they shoot to infinity
A Good Friend: i still dont believe you can put the human mind into a math equation
sixty9irishrover: of course you can
sixty9irishrover: itll be like counting cards one day
A Good Friend: people are too individualistic
sixty9irishrover: never in our life times
sixty9irishrover: not really
sixty9irishrover: they tend to group and form cliques
A Good Friend: but within those cliques, every person is differnt
sixty9irishrover: and very much the same
A Good Friend: two people will never have the exact same conversation that the two of us are having right now
sixty9irishrover: perhaps but if time is circular... then we will have this convo again
A Good Friend: true
A Good Friend: unless a greater being acts upon the circle and makes it linear
sixty9irishrover: which would end life as we would understand it
A Good Friend: true
A Good Friend: moving to a different pane of existance
A Good Friend: plane
A Good Friend: life will end some day
sixty9irishrover: thus ending the existense of life on this plain and on this universe
A Good Friend: the sun wont last forever
sixty9irishrover: *plane
sixty9irishrover: true
sixty9irishrover: but there is life on europa
A Good Friend: humans are shortening the lifespan of the earth everyday
A Good Friend: europa?
sixty9irishrover: a moon of jupiter
A Good Friend: is or was?
A Good Friend: i had heard there was evidence that there was
sixty9irishrover: is tiny microorganisms
sixty9irishrover: resembling the arly forms of life found here on earth
A Good Friend: well, human life wont last forever
sixty9irishrover: well
sixty9irishrover: nothing will last forever
A Good Friend: true true
Well…. what’s your take? I would love to know!
[sidebar] A great book for trying to comprehend the universe is A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking