"Spare me just 3 last words"..."I love you is all she heard"..."I love u but I can't wait 4ever."

May 17, 2005 17:32

Its me again....I had a blast last weekend.To start off I started gettin sick last Thursday so I didn't go to school Thurs or Friday...Friday my mom had to have a blood transfusion...Friday night I spent the night with Jen, Saturday I hung out with Jen and Saturday night we went out and it was the most fun I have had in a long time...and I will keep it at that because lets just say I was extremly hyper and got to talk to the guy I like alot.LoL..... ; ) It was a fun evening.Sunday was okay me and my mom went to Wally World and that was fun.Yesterday was kinda sad because it was the seniors last day..but I got over it fast.LOL.Today has been okay, I just thought I would say that I am totally over my ass of a X bf.YAY...Finally.I guess I had to go through a morning period but now I am sooooo over that ass. : ) I was supposed to help my mom this evening at my sisters softball game in the concession  stand but we got there and she didn't have to run it so she said she would take me back home cause lord knows I wasn't about to sit there 4 3 hrs watchin a sport.LOL.And that brings me to now...lol...right now I am listening to the best song ever made called Ohio is 4 lovers yay LOL.Welp I am gonna go try to find sumthin 2 eat.

Loves it~!!!!!!!

Kisses....Britt : *

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