If there be tears...

Jun 28, 2010 14:41

They are not for England, at least not the England football team. The way in which we lost was the worst part although the players afterwards trying to insist that they'd played well in our worst ever World Cup defeat was a close second. Ho hum. I'm supporting Japan now as they play intelligently, courageously and with great resilience. Plus they can't half knock in a good free kick when they try.

Elsewhere The Big Bang happened and those of you who've seen it will know how great it was. And if further proof was needed that Doctor Who is the new Rock'n'Roll...

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In more me-based news, I'm currently gearing up for my local tennis matches - playing at home against my father was more tiring than I'd like so it's back down to the gym with me I'm afraid. Also I'm getting more and more tempted to get a BBQ set as we've had quite a few lovely grilled meals elsewhere already so it could be nice to have such things on tap.

Oh and this is just sweet:

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england, world cup 2010, big bang, doctor who

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