And... breathe.

Jun 24, 2010 15:31

Phew. The England match took place while I was in the office so I had to put up with it being streamed in over iPlayer - unfortunately a few million other people had the same idea so the service was a wee bit patchy. 93 minutes of unrelenting tension, willing the team on. Mind you, I think the Americans had it harder, watching attack after attack fail, knowing that they really needed a goal to get through and then finally it happened for them. Deserved too - a draw was fair against England but they should have completed their comeback against Slovenia.

Germany await us next but despite our history against them, I think we're more than a match - they've a young team but perhaps not quite as talented as they once were. We shall see on Sunday. Of course, this does leave Saturday free for watching The Big Bang. I can't reveal too much as some of you haven't seen The Pandorica Opens yet but you might remember previous episode 12 cliffhangers; from Bad Wolf ("Rose, I'm coming to get you!", Army of Ghosts (Cybermen! But wait, Daleks too!), The Sounds of Drums (He's old! They're captured! She flees - but she'll be back!) and The Stolen Earth ("I'm regenerating"!!!) - this follows in such noble footsteps easily.

All that plus a village fete, a spot of tennis, hosting a meal myself and maybe more. Busy but fun I hope.

england, germany, world cup 2010, slovenia

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