Jan 21, 2007 21:05
Going to school to get certified to be a teacher is more stressful than it needs to be, and I don't like it.
I keep thinking ... if I would have stayed an extra year at Bradley I could be having fun while I'm getting certified, and I could be paying about as much as I'm paying now for a not-so-stellar experience.
After completeing observation hours, I also wonder how it is that students get away with the garbage they pull in class. Some girl called me an f-ing bitch because I asked her to stop talking in study hall while I was subsitituting. Can you believe the kind of things people feel like they can say to other people? Teacher or no teacher, I would think twice about saying that to anyone.
In other news ... well, there is not really any other news because school seems to be taking over my life this quarter. I am looking forward to heading to Fort Myers, FLA in March, though. Seriously, why do I live somewhere that has so many months of cold when I really despise the cold? Also, John is a really, really great husband. I don't think I could be as great of a husband, so score ten billion points for him.