This is the largest one of these things I've ever done. Why? ...I dunno. I like to talk about myself sometimes, I guess.
Taken from... DeviantArt, I think it was.
1. Name: James (this is a lie)
2. Nickname(s): Wildhare
3. Birthday: Early September
4. That makes you: 28? Yeah, that sounds about right
5. Where were you born: The local hospital. It's a wonder I survived...
6. Location right now: Home > Living room > computer chair
7. Shoe size: 12 Wide (American sizing)
8. How many piercings?: Zero.
9. Tattoos?: Zero
10. When you wake up you're: Groggy and uncoordinated. "Zombie-like".
11. When your about to sleep you're: Day dreaming and / or worrying
12. Zodiac sign: Virgo
13. Chinese sign: Rooster
14. Righty or Lefty: Right
15. Innie or Outie: Innie
16. School: College. A BS in Psychology (ain't it the truth...)
Section Two: Looks
17. Nationality: American, with German and English bloodlines.
18. Hair colour: Dark brown and wildly curly
19. Eye colour: Dark brown
20. Weight: Too heavy. I'm around 275 lbs. I should probably be about 250 or so.
21. Height: 6'4", more or less.
22. Braces? Not anymore.
23. Glasses? Yes. I'm all-but-blind without them.
Section Three: Private Life
24. Do you have a boy/girlfriend? Yeah, I suppose you could call her that.
25. If so, who? My wife
26. If not, do you have a crush on someone?
27. Who has a crush on you? *laughs*
28. Ever cheated on your bf/gf? Nein.
29. Who was your first kiss: My wife
30. Who was your last: My wife again.
31. Are you a virgin? Nope.
32. Ever had a threesome before? Nyet.
33. If you could have sex with anyone, who would that be? In an effort to keep myself among the living, I'll refrain from answering this.
34. Have you ever been in love? Yes
35. Broken any hearts? Not that I know of.
36. Got your heart broken? Of course.
37. Ever liked a friend? Yeah....
38. What happened? We got married.
Section Four: Past Relationships
39. How many relationships have you been in. Officially? One
40. How many were serious enough to count: ...what?
41. Who were those serious ones: My wife
42. Funnest hook-ups: .......Uh..?
43. What made them different: Nothing
44. What happened: I'm beginning to think this section doesn't really apply to me.
45. Best boy/girlfriend: Well, I've really only had one, so...
46. Worst boy/girlfriend: Technically, see previous answer.
47. Ever been kissed: A time or two. /eyeroll
48. Who do you want back: Back?
49. Who do you regret: Funny thing, regrets. They don't really accomplish anything.
50. Why: You can't change the past.
Section Five: Favorites
51. Song: Of all time, if I had to pick one, probably "Stolen Prayer" by Alice Cooper. At the moment, "Only" by Nine Inch Nails, since it's stuck in my head.
52. Movie: Just one? Um.... hmm... comedies... I can't decide.
53. Food: Pepperoni Pizza. I actually have an addiction for it. ...I think I've told that story before.
54. Drink: Mountain Dew
55. Store: Internet. They closed all of the interesting stores around here.
56. Television show: "Dirty Jobs" with Mike Rowe, actually. Although I find a lot of that Discovery Channel stuff interesting. See also "Man Vs. Food" on the Travel Channel.
57. Holiday: Halloween. Thanksgiving used to be up there, too, but a death of someone very close to me near Thanksgiving kinda soured the spirit.
58. Book: Almost anything by Terry Pratchett. Go read the Discworld books. Yes, now. I'll wait....
59. Ice cream: Cookies and Creme from
Clumpies. Oh, Clumpies, why did you close the only shop close enough for me to easily get to?!
60. Sweets: I'm a sucker for a Milky Way,
61. Crisps: Crisps? Oh, chips! Corn chips, usually, with a nice cheesey dip.
62. Type of music: I have a
little bit of everything, I think. But I do prefer hard rock.
63. Artist: ...just one?
64. Word: I find myself using "dood" in everyday conversation now. And I fully blame
Disgaea, dood.
65. Time of day: Dusk.
66. Dressing: Thousand Island
67. Alcoholic drink: Sometimes, the noble Margarita can't be beat.
68. Colour(s): Blues, greens, and greys
70. Character: If I had to pick one that isn't my own, probably
Ma(c)ha from .hack//sign. Or most of the dolls from
Rozen Maiden. (note: there are a lot of similarities between the Rozen Maiden characters and my own. Believe it or not, this was mostly unintentional).
71. Smell:
72. Shampoo: I use Tresemme "for dry and damaged hair". With mixed results.
73. Soap: I like the smell of Irish Spring, but my wife's allergic to it.
74. Smiley: >.>
75. Board game: Chess, if I had to pick one.
76. Sport: I like unusual sports. You know, the ones you don't often see on TV.
77. Number: 9, the shapeshifter. No, not 5.
78. Quote: varies with my mood, although "Once you accept his assumptions even a madman seems reasonable" is my usual signature.
79. Animal: Raccoons and cats
80. Actor: ...myself!
82. Vegetable: Potato
83. Fruit: Raspberry (I never really liked the texture of berries, but I love the flavors)
84. Place to be: ...hmm...
85. Thing in your room: the cats!
86. Gum: Cinnamon
87. Shape: ...shape?!
88. Country: I've never been outside of the United States. I'd love to travel one day.
89. Mall: I used to love going to the malls, but they've closed down all of the interesting stores. Now it's all clothing and shoe stores. How boring.
90. Car: I'm not big on cars, but I do find myself wanting one of those Chevy HHRs, for some reason. A black or grey one.
91. Boy's name: James
92. Girl's name: ...Wendy, I think.
93. Family member: I'm a Mama's boy.
94. Restaurant: Las Margarita's in Athens.
95. Movie place: ...the one at Northgate.
96. Person to go to the movies with: My wife. And, if we're lucky, we're the only ones there. ...we're rarely that lucky.
98. Brand of shoe: I tend to either wear steel-toed boots or sandals. I can't recall the brand of either of them...
99. Brand of clothing: *shrugs*
100. Body part of a chicken: Breasts!
101. Swear word: Me like fuck! >.>
102. Month: December
103. Possession: ...what, just one?
104. Team: The Vols, I suppose. Then again, it's not something I get overly worked up over.
105. Season: Late fall or early Winter.
106. Radio station:
102.9 the Buzz when I'm in Nashville,
Rock 105 when I'm at home.
107. Magazine: ...people still read magazines?
108. Favorite grade: A
109. Least favorite grade: F
110. Teacher: Either Professor Eskildsen or Mr. Wilkey.
111. Least favorite teacher: ...Austin... and I believe the hatred was mutual.
112. Subject: Sciences
113. Subject to talk about: almost anything but math.
Section Six: Family
114. Who's your mum?: Mom
115. Who's your dad?: Dad
116. Any step-parents?: One step father, one step mother.
117. Any brothers?: One step brother
118. Any Sisters?: One
120. Coolest: Me, of course.
121. Loudest: Me, if I'm angry... wait, no. My stepdad, when he's angry.
122. Best relative: ...
123. Worse relative: No comment
124. Do you get along with your parents? My mother, yes. My father... sometimes.
125. With your siblings? Usually, yes.
126. Does anyone understand you? Not really. I can think of two or three people that come close (or are at least trying to)
127. Do you have any pets?: 4 cats, 1 chihuahua
128. If so, what kind and name? Cobweb (male Bombay cat), Dustbunny (female Maine coon cat), Cee Cee (Female white long-haired cat), Dodge (male tuxedo cat), Pixel (female chihuahua)
129. If not, what do you want as a pet?: No vacancy.
130. Can I be a part of your family? No vacancy!
Section Seven: School
131. Are you still in school? Nope.
132. Did you drop out?: Nope. Graduated with a BS.
133. Your current GPA: I had something like a 3.4 when I got out.
134. Do you buy or bring lunch?: Buy. Actually, I usually went without, since I was often in a hurry.
135. ABC's?: As and Bs. A handful of Cs here and there. I only failed one course ever, and I'd love to have a rematch one day...
136. Favorite class: Anything Dr. Eskildsen taught (usually Eastern Religions). Or Theories of Personality. ... or the Psychology of Religion. ...or Abnormal Psychology.
137. Play any sports at school?: Bowling, because it was required for everyone to take a sport for some reason.
138. Are you popular?:Oh hell no.
139. Favorite memory: Oh, we used to have so much fun in the band in the stands at the football games.
140. Most humiliating moment: Destroying the marimba. In front of everyone.
141. Most funniest moment:
142. Most scared moment: We had a near-Columbine-type event at our high school Luckily, the cops caught the guy before he made it to school with the guns... but not before he'd shot his father to death. Rumor had it that some of his friends intended to finish the job on a certain day, and everyone was scared (fun fact: I ditched school that day, which made everyone even more nervous: seems they thought I was one of the friends supposedly out for revenge! )
Section Eight: What do you think of when you hear
145. Chicken: Dinner
146. Dog: Pixel
147. Christina Aguilera: Pop Tart
148. Ricky Martin: One song
149. 50 cent: some rapper?
15o. Poop: Pixel...
151. Beach: Ocean (although I don't swim in it as much as I used to)
152. Desert: Cactus
153. Water: Mud
154. Osama: Hates me. Why?
155. Love: Trust
156. Your little brother: Worry
157. Butt: Too large.
158. Clowns: The Joker
159. Wonder: Woman
16o. Brown: Wood
161. Banana: Pudding
162. Sex: yessssss....
163. Parents: Mom & Dad
164. Homosexuals:
165. God: the Great Mystery
Section Nine: Do you believe in
166. God: Yes
167. Heaven: Yes, although perhaps not in the same way that most people think of it.
168. Devil: Yes
169. Hell: Yes, although perhaps not in the same way that most people think of it.
170: Boogy man: ..No
171. Closet Monsters: not really.
172. Fortune tellings: ... I believe such a thing is possible, but most tellers are either charlatans or flat-out wrong.
173. Magic: Yes, but see the previous answer.
174. Love at first sight: Yes
175. Ghosts: Absolutely.
176. Voo-doo dolls: uncertain "no"
177. Reincarnation: Not really.
178. Yourself: Not really.
Section Ten: Do you
179. Smoke: Only if I'm going too fast.
180. Do drugs: Not anymore. I was addicted to painkillers for awhile after I had foot surgery.
181. Drink alcohol: Yes, but not to get shitfaced. I know when to stop. (thought I'd gone and killed myself one New Year's. Not again.)
182. Cuss: Fuck yes. Although I do know to reign it in.
183. Sing in the shower: Not in the shower, no. When I'm driving, however...
184. Like school: No.
185. Want to get married:
186. Type with all of your fingers: Yes, but not properly.
187. Think you're attractive: No.
188. Drink and drive: Not if it can b avoided.
189. Snore: At times. Don't let me sleep on my back.
190. Sleep walk: I suspect I still do sometimes.
191. Like watching sunrises and sunsets: In the right situation, yes.
Section Eleven: Have you ever
192. Flashed someone: Not intentionally. >.>
193. Gotten so drunk til you threw up everywhere: No...
194. Told that person how you felt: Yes
195. Been arrested: No
196. Gone to jail or juve: No
197. Skateboarded: No
198. Skinny dipped: Yes...
199. Rock climbed: Sorta
200. Killed someone: comment
201. Watched porn: Yes!
202. Gone on a road trip: Yes.
203. Went out of the country: No.
204. Talked back to an adult: Yes. If it needed to be said.
205. Broken a law: Yep.
206. Got pulled over: Once, and I got off with a warning.
208: Cried to get out of trouble: When I was a kid.
209. Let a friend cry on your shoulder: Yes
210. Kissed a brother's or sister's friend: No
211. Kissed a friend's brother or sister: No
212. Dropped something on the floor and let someone eat it anyways: Only because they wanted to.
213. Moon someone: Not that I can recall.
214. Shop-lifted: Not intentionally
215. Worked at McDonald's: Nein
216. Eaten a dog: Not that I know of.
217. Give money to a homeless person: No. Then again, I don't think I've ran across a homeless person around here.
218. Glued your hand to yourself: ...yes.
219. Kissed someone of the same sex: No. Was kissed? Yes.
220. Had a one night stand: Nope.
221. Smoked: Have I before? Yes.
222. Done drugs: Nothing illegal.
223. Lose a friend because of your ex: No.
224. Slap someone for being stupid: Yes..
225. Had cyber sex: As one of my RP characters, yes. As myself, no.
226. Wish you were the opposite sex: At times.
227. Caught someone doing something: Indeed.
228. Played a game that removes clothing: Nope.
229. Cried during a movie: Yes. Damn you, Titanic!
230. Cried over someone: Yes.
231. Wanted to hook up with a friend: Yes.
232. Hooked up with someone you barely met: Nope.
233. Ran away from home: No.
234. Cheated on a test: Absolutely not. I was one of those weirdos that took testing very seriously.
Section Twelve: Would you
235. Bungee jump: Hell no.
236. Sky dive: Hell no.
237. Swim with dolphins: Yes
238. Steal a friend's bf or gf: ...hmm... that could get complicated.
239. Try to be the opposite sex: Yeah, right.
240. Lie to the police: Nope.
241. Run from the police: No way, man.
242. Lie to your parents: Not anymore.
243. Backstab a friend for your own well being: general, I'd say no. Unless it's for their own good, as well.
244. Be an exotic dancer: No one wants to see that....
245. Fuck a donkey for 1, 000, 000: No way, dood.
Section Thirteen: Are you
246. Shy: Yes
247. Loud: I can be
248. Nice: Usually
249: Outgoing: No.
250: Quiet: Yes
251. Mean: I can be, if crossed.
252. Emotional: Yes
253. Sensitive: More than some people realize.
254. Gay: Nope.
255. Strong: ...debatable.
256. Weak: Yes
257. Caring: Yes
258. Dangerous: I can be.
259. Crazy: Yes
260. Spontaneous: Sometimes
261. Funny: Yes
262. Sweet: ...I try to be, although it doesn't always come across right.
263. Sharing: Not unless I trust you.
264. Responsible: Most of the time
265. Trustworthy: Yes
266. Open-minded: I try to be.
267. Creative: Arguably, although I wish I was more so.
268. Cute: Hah!
269. Slick: I can be.
270. Smart: I'd like to think so.
271. Dumb: I've been told I'm absent-minded.
272. Evil: My sense of humor does have a bit of a sadistic streak, although I never want to hurt anyone.
273. Ghetto:
274. Classy: Depends on how you look at it. "Archaic", maybe.
275. Photogenic: Nein.
276. Dependable: Usually.
277. Greedy: Surprisingly no.
278. Ugly: ...
279. Messy: "Cluttered"
280. Neat: "Cluttered"
281. Perverted: Always
282. Silly: Yes
283. A Bitch: I suppose I can be at times.
284. A Good Listener: Yes
285. A Fighter: Not unless cornered.
286. A Party Animal: No.
287. A Game Freak: Yep.
288. A Computer Freak: Kinda
Section Fourteen: Future
289. Dream job: your guess is as good as mine
290. Dream house: I like me some tech.
291. Husband/Wife: ...
292. Kids: Not yet. Someday.
293. Names:
294. Pets: Cats
295. Car: *shrug*
296. Age you would want to get married: *shrug*
297. Best Man/Bride's Maid: ...
298. Honeymoon: ...we never really took a honeymoon. Couldn't afford it.
Section Fifteen: Your friends
299. Best friend:
300. Known the longest: Jo.
301. Craziest: ...let's just skip ahead a bit, shall we?
302. Loudest: ...
303. Shyest: ...
304. Best hair: ...
305. Best eyes: ...
306. Best body:...
307. Most Athletic: ...
308. Hot-Tempered: Kristin
309. Most impatient: Matt
310. Shortest: Beckey, I think.
311. Tallest: ...
312. Skinniest: ...
313. Best singer: ...
314. Funniest: ...David, I think.
315. Can always make you laugh: Jo, at times
316. Wish you talked to more: ...
317. Wish you saw more: ...
318. Who drives you insane after a while: short drive...
319. Who you can stay around forever and never get sick of: ...
320. Ever lose a friend because you took it to the 'next level': No, actually
321. Whose always been there when you need them: ...
322. Who is like your family: ...
323. How many friends do you have? very few.
324. How many are really close? one is here.
Section Sixteen: The last
325. Thing you ate: Chicken Pizza Hot Pocket
326. Thing you drank: a "
327. Thing you wore: Jeans and a black-and-green Hawaiian-style shirt
328. Thing you did: This meme
329. Place you went: Nashville
330. Thing you got pierced or tattooed: None
331. Person you saw: white-haired-pony-tailed-guy at Nashville.
332. Person you hugged: My wife
333. Person you kissed: My wife
334. Person you fucked: My wife...
335. Person you talked to online: Matt (Dal)
336. Person you talked to on the phone: My wife
337. Song you heard: "Self Esteem" -The Offspring
338. Show you saw: Rozen Maiden Traumend
339. Time you fought with your parents: It's been ages
340. Time you fought with a friend: Depending on your definition of "fought", a few days ago.
341. Words you said: "See ya"
Section Seventeen: Now
343. What are you eating: Nada
344. What are you drinking: Nothing
345. What are you thinking: *crickets chirping*
346. What are you wearing: Jeans and a black-and-green Hawaiian-style shirt
347. What are you doing: This meme
349. Hair: Pulled back in a pony tail
350. Mood: Mildly depressed
351. Listening to: My mp3 collection, set to "random"
352. Talking to anyone: Myself...
353. Watching anything: nothing at the moment.
Section Eighteen: Yes or No
354. Are you a vegetarian: No
355. Are you a carnivore: Yes
356. Are you heterosexual: Yes
357. Do you like penguins: Yes
358. Do you write poetry: Yes, but rarely
359. Do you see stupid people: Too often for my taste.
360. You + Me = Nothing.
361. Do you like the Osbournes: Not particularly
362. Can you see flying pigs: Not at the moment
363. Do you sleep with stuffed animals on your bed: Yes, if Pixel can be considered "stuffed". The little butterball...
364. Are you from Afghanistan: No.
365. Is Christina Aguilera ugly: *goes to Google Image Search* ...she's not my favorite, but I don't think I'd call her "ugly".
366. Are you a zombie: That's debatable.
367. Am i annoying you: Only mildly
368. Do you bite your nails: No, but I do pick at them.
369. Can you cross your eyes: Yes
370. Do you make your bed in the morning: No.
371. Have you touched someone's private part: *laughs*
Section Nineteen: This or That
372. Winter or Summer: Winter
373. Spring or Autumn: Autmn
374. Shakira or Britney: Neither
375. MTV or VH1: Neither
376. Black or White: Both
377. Yellow or Pink: Yellow.
378. Football or Basketball: Football.
379. Mobile Phone or Pager: Phone
380. Pen or Pencil: Pen
381. Cold or Hot: Cold
382. Tattoos or Piercings: Neither
383. Inside or Outside: Inside
384. Weed or Alcohol: Alcohol. I've never tried weed, although I've been told I should.
385. Coke or Pepsi: Neither
386. Tape or Glue: Tape
387. McDonald's or In-n-Out: McDonalds I've never been to "In-n-Out"
Section Twenty: Opinions
388. What do you think about classical music: Beautiful, but pretentious
389. About boy bands: Worthless
390. About suicide: Meaningless
391. About people who try to force their opinions on you: annoyance
392. About teen pregnancy: Unfortunate
393. Where do you think you'll be in 10 years: Uncertain
394. Who do you think you'll still be friends with in 5 years: Very uncertain
395. About gay men: That's their business, not mine.
Section Twenty-One:
396. Do you have a website: Not anymore.
397. Current weather right now: Cloudy, threatening more rain
398. Current time: 4:10 PM
399. Any shout outs: ...ow?
400. Last thoughts: Wow, I'm bored...