or "I think it's time I shopped around for another doctor".
So, yeah.
Anyone who's talked with me ooc for more than a few moments in the past week is probably already sick to death of me whining and complaining about this phantom pain that's been bugging the crap out of me for the past week.
[TMI Alert]
It started in my right leg. Then went up to my lower back in the next couple of days. Now it's accompanied by a near-constant headache, pain in my jaw, and general feeling of fatigue and "life really sucks' -ism.
[/TMI Alert]
So, like I normally do, I resisted going to see the doctor. Who I've complained about here before. I don't like going to see this man. Seriously, he does the same damn thing regardless of why I'm there. I even told Dal ahead of time: if I go to the doctor, he'll call me fat, tell me to lose weight, write me a prescription, then want a blood sample. I could go there for a hangnail and this would be the procedure.
But today, I woke up feeling like warmed-over hell in a handbasket. So I bit the bullet and made an appointment. In fact, I just got home.
I bet you can guess what he did. He called me fat, told me to lose weight, wrote me a prescription, then wanted a blood sample. Always with the freaking blood samples! He's a vampire, I just know it. And he's gotten really preachy with the weight thing, going as far as recommending a full vegetarian diet for me.
Like. Hell.
My mostly-carnivorous diet must make my blood taste funny or something.
But it seems to me that he ignored my symptoms altogether. Yeah, I'm a bit irritated by this entire situation.
So, I'll wait to see if anything actually comes up from this blood work before I decide whether or not to fire Nosferatu. I'll all-but-guarantee that it'll show that my triglycerides are high (which is a family thing), and everything else will be normal. Just like every other time before.