Title: Nearly With You, Chapter One
Word count: 4513
Pairing: Mai/Zuko
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Zuko's left his old life behind him. Now, as she watches him build a new one, Mai wonders if there's room for her in it.
Note: This is a sequel to
Imperfect and the two short fics that followed it; as such, it's essentially a Season Three AU. Reading the
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Comments 26
Here we go: This was AWESOME. So there. The mood was so different, which is why I think I said "interesting" first - much more melancholy and foreboding than the series ^______^ I want mooooore! >.< Quickly now *finger snap*
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I'm pretending like I'll have this story mostly done, at least, before the finale? SO WE'LL SEE I GUESS?!?!
I had a lot of fun with this alternate Gaang dynamic! Also with that damned train -- I feel like my only big disappointment for season three was that I'd CONVINCED MYSELF that the Fire Nation would have an industrial rail system, so I decided, what the hell? I WILL PUT ONE IN ANYWAY. It's new, perhaps the Gaang just didn't happen to encounter it on their travels. ;3
And yes, it'll make things a lot easier for Zuko to have her right there.
(dun dun dunnnnn!!!!!!!)
I'm really glad you enjoyed how I wrote Mai and Zuko here -- this Mai is a liiiiiiittle bit different than how I see her in canon, as she's based on how I wrote her in the original "Imperfect" before season three had started to air. But I like her and how she goes about managing Zuko's drama.
Haha, you know, the fact that crispy Zuko is a kink of yours just further encourages me to draw him as he appears in this fic, which I was probably going to do anyway but will now almost certainly get around to.
And yes, Katara is a bit of an ominous presence! Iroh's influence has softened her a little, here, but it'll still take her a while to warm to the newest additions to their little group. :D
But most of all, I like the interactions between Mai and Zuko. Even when they aren't saying much, they seem to speak volumes.
Excellent job, Ali. I hope we will see more of this. You got me hooked. :D
There will definitely be more, and hopefully soon!
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