Nov 22, 2008 14:07
Language breaks down at the level on which a person's assumptions are so ingrained, that they are not expressed.
A person can spend time explaining their assumptions, but even that explanation contains assumptions. By communicating more, we can identify and communicate some assumptions, but it would take literally forever to identify and communicate all of them.
In order to function, our societies must contain hierarchies. These hierarchies become internalized in people. People have started to believe that the divisions in society make people in other divisions bad (stupid, ugly, cruel, crude, weak, slutty, etc.). Minorities and people of "lower" socioeconomic "class" are negatively associated because people make the mistake of internalizing a separation that is only made for the sake of organization. To avoid making sinister conclusions, we need compassion. If we pity the people we walk on, we continue to walk on them, if we don't care for them, we continue to walk on them. Only if we are compassionate to them, can we stop from walking on them. A CEO is hierarchically above the employees of their company. But if the CEO loves and cares for the employees of the company, then no one grudges the CEO's position. The employees love the CEO and appreciate immensely what the CEO is doing for them.
The situation is not hopeless. Love your fellow human being, and all catastrophes will be avoided.
We hate our poop. We hate anything that reminds us we are animals. We keep nature out of our houses. We are in a state of denial. We are animals, but we hate that part of ourselves. This self-hate is what we use to hate other people. When we don't like a group of people, we attack them for being everything we hate ourselves for (see men talking about the evils of women for easy reference). Black people are falsely associated with the earth and the body; associated to sexuality, and the base urges - only because we hate nature. They are called base urges for a reason. American Indians are associated with nature in a more environmental sense. We say they are connected to the earth. We say this because we are using the association as a tool, not because of any factual basis. Women are associated with sex, the earth, and creation. They are often called fertile - the same word used for the earth. We associate these things with women not because these associations have any truth in them - they don't. The natural world is thought of with both hate and with wonder - the wonder about something exotic and different. But this wonder is the same as the hate. By allowing nature to be exotic, and making everyone associated with it exotic, we force them to be different from us. Because what does exotic mean except different? We call things, groups, and people exotic, and thereby refuse to ever truly understand them - that would take the wonder away. All of these associations with nature, baseness, and the exotic, are made with a purpose. They are weapons. We hate everything animal and primal - what a great root to place all of our discrimination on!