Jun 16, 2010 23:45
September....I don't know the day...
Oi, well. The last few days have been...quite eventful, to say the least. I have wound up with a broken arm, being drunk and sneaking into my boyfriends room, and getting a detention for skipping class...and drinking
Oi, well at least the broken arm had made Mattie a bit more...mischievous. He came to take care of me~ Which, I highly appreciate... and wish he would do more often~~
But, my arm is feeling better~ So that is a good thing. Although I have to keep it wrapped up for a few days. It's not so bad. Its a good excuse to get out of doing work, and just slacking off. Maybe I'll skip out on Quidditch practice as well~
Oh, and I don't understand why people mainly teacher have a problem with me and Matthieu? He has seemed to be having some trouble lately...Looks like I'll be having to prank some teachers~
Ah well...~
I'm off to find more to drink and have some fun~