Merde where to start~
Ah, well. I have been spending quite a lot of time with Matthieu lately~ We are really getting along~ and by that I mean, Oui, we have had sex~ It is quite lovely to be able to see him and spend quality time with him. Which we need to do more often Matthieu~ It has been far far too long...well since our last date anyway~ I
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By the way...Do you have to be so public about our sex life? You have to remember, Al has a lot of guns
Oui, that sounds wonderful~ I am looking forward to having a little fun with you as dessert
I am not afraid of him. Oui I do. what is wrong with it?
Well nothing's wrong with it per say...
Well I suppose the kids are busy at their homes this weekend... *grins*
Per say?
*smirks* I like the sound of that~
Well I guess I just mean that... Well you know how shy I usually am about well... most things... *blushes*
So we'll have the house ALL to ourselves... And I still have those *meaningful look* Well you know what I'm talking about
*kisses more* You are so adorable~ And should not be embarrassed.
I am looking forward to that, A LOT. *chuckles* I'm excited to see you...wear those things again~
I know I have nothing to be embarassed about... *kisses back* And boys aren't adorable unless they're itty bitty. I'm handsome *pouts*
Well hopefully I won't be wearing them for too long~
Ah, but you are handsome. You are correct, and adorable, and cute, and attractive~ I could go on and on~
Ohoho~ I can help you get out of them quickly~~
I'm looking forward to it
How does that sound to you Francis?
Oui, finding a room sounds wonderful. I'll have you all to myself~~
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