(no subject)

Oct 11, 2006 10:36

so here's the scoop. I'm coming back! We're moving out this weekend well sunday actually. last night was the last straw. Konnor beat up my little brother. tyler was on the computer for not even 10 minutes when konnor told him to get off the computer. tyler said no and that it was his turn. so konnor calls his mom and then grabs tyler while he's sitting in the chair and throws him on the ground. tyler get's back up to go towards the computer and konnor is grabing his arm and pushing his fingers into his skin looking for pressure points. He was twisting his arm and grabing his throught n shit. tyler comes down stairs crying and he was beat red everywhere. i was pissed. i wanted to go yell at konnor but tyler told me not to. so i went and told my mom and she yelled at konnor, but ofcourse konnor said it was tyler. like tyler is really gonna start shit with a 16 year old black belt champion fighter. he' such an asshole. but here's the kicker. konnor called his mom to make sure he had a ride home before he did what he did cuz he knew he was gonna get it from dave. but no dave didn't really do ne thing. even though mom said that kim said that dave said that if his boys ever hurt us he'd put them in the hospital, but it doesn't seem like ne thing is going to happen and that is what's so dissapionting about dave. so we're leaving this sunday. mom found us a sweet apartment down by where marcy lives. its cool. its 1500 square feet, 2 bed rooms so i'll have to share with my mom which is no big deal, it has 3 bathrooms so i get my own bathroom, its right on the lake, it has 2 balconies, a pool, hot tub, club room with a bar and fire place, a computer room with internet, and it has volleyball nets and tennis quarts so its really cool. i'm soooo excited. but the problem is my mom needs surgery to get her collen removed cuz its not working for some reason. my mom didn't ign up for disability insurance so her insurance will pay for th surgery but she'll have to give up some of her paycheck to pay off the insurance and she doesn't think she can afford the appartment and the insurance cuz the appartment is really expensive. =( so it sucks. 
yesterday the weirdest thing happend. josh called me. he stole my number from bri after he wrestled her for it lol. i was confused the whole time. apparently he wants to hang out but idk when i can. charlie was with him and he was tellin me that josh said i loved him lol but i think they're sendin me clues to tell me its the other way around. so yea idk its messed up.
black belt testing is this saturday and i'm so excited. i just want to get it over with so i can take a break!!!! >_< 
<3 jenna
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