I’m getting so tired of people saying how fat I am. Ok I know I’m fat and I’m trying my best to do something about it, but I’m so sick of everyone thinking they’re telling me something new. It gets old hearing “you’re fat” “fat ass” “white whale” over and over again. I didn’t chose to be this way and it’s so hard to change. I’m just so tired of people saying shit just to hurt others it’s not cool and never fun as far as I know. I don’t know why I’m posting this anywhere, but I am probably because I’m not the only one who goes through this day after day. I have no self esteem or self confidence because of people saying the slightest things. Ok ya theirs the saying, “stick and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Who ever actually says that is full of shit because words can hurt especially to someone that hears it over and over again then they begin to believe it. I really don’t think I’m beautiful in anyway just by how people treat me. A few people respect me and to tell me I’m beautiful, but it doesn’t make up for the looks I get when I go anywhere. I exercise and eat right, but I have a very slow metabolism and it’s not my fault. I don’t even want to be a picture perfect 118 pounds which some people still criticize and call someone of that weight fat. I’m just sick of it I just want to be happy, beautiful to myself, feel good about myself, be with someone who cares weather or not I’m any of those things and most of all to be true to myself. I want to lose weight so I feel good and healthy that’s it. I’m sick of people trying to hurt me with their words and hurting other people in the same situation. Some people can’t help their weight because medical issues or just how their built.
This wasn’t suppose to be just a rant ok I actually wanted to post some pictures as I had lots of friends the other day. My best friends Chelly, Kyle, and I went around to a couple of cemeteries and took some good pictures. I feel really happy about them and like I don’t look to bad which is amazing as I usually hate pictures of myself.
This is by far my favorite one of Chelly and I, she is so gorgeous and an amazing person I just love her to death she’s a great friend.
This one is my favorite one of Kyle and I he’s an amazing friend of mine as well. He’s gorgeous and just makes me feel super happy and good about myself.
Chelly and I again she’s awesome and great. She’s the one person who understands me the best. I don’t have a lot of friends, but she is the greatest with Kyle as a close tie.
Another one of Kyle and I he’s photogenic as always, but it was a super fun trip to the cemetery and just a good time to hang out.