So I haven't used this place in forever. Scary reading the last few updates and they are pre ex girlfriend lol.
Really I just writting this cause I need to just write/get some of the thoughs out of my head. For some reason I seen to be having a though time dealing with my normal but random depressive moments. Part of it could the random end of what seem like a perfectly fine relationship. Go figure a 13 month relationship with no issues and out of the blue, told that she doesn't know how she feels and she loves some other guy. Then add then the lovely shoulder damn I got on a snowboarding trip I took to help clean my head of the breakup. Add that on top of the job/ living arrangement and it just one big fuck up. All I know is I just need to clear my head up well enough so I can work. I got a 16 character contract that has a soft deadline of the 31 and a hard deadline of the 15th. I have worked to damn hard and gave up on to much to lose all the hard work I put into getting these contracts.
Somedays it seems like if you pushes for what you want the waves beat you senseless but if you give up the tide takes you farther out to sea. Somedays it seems as there isn't a way to win, yet you see plenty of people on the beach, so there has to be a away.
Eight-ish years as passed since I left highschool and GA to try and make my own life and it seems I have returned to the starting point, just with a bunch of failed lessons. But I have learned that in life you don't collect $200 if you end up passing go again lol.
But I guess I kinda proved that I only write on here for bad events, cause well I have atleast 13 months were I never though about this program, and thou there went always super peachy, they weren't bad. Therefore the problems seems easier to manage. Guess I need to focus everything on one thing at a time and try to not let life suck me under(to much). That and get another pack of smokes cause damnt I am about out. Lol
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