Well since it rained on my Fourth of July, we lit off some fireworks last night. Not a lot, theres still a whole garbage bag full of fireworks, but we did do some. And i took pictuuurres. I'll post them laterr.
I also took pictures of me and my cousin blowing bubbles. Woofun. I hate my pictures. I'm having a low self esteem trip so forgive me for being negative. =|
the string ones are from July 4th. I was just to lazy to upload. =D
Alright so. Most of you people know that I consider my mom my bestfriend. Is there a problem with this? Seriously. Because if there is I'd really like to know the problem and why. A couple of people have given me shit about my mom being one of my bestfriends and I really don't see a problem with it. Maybe you're jealous because my mom and I have an actual relationship. Or because I get more freedom since my mom takes time to see things my way. Or for whatever reason that I have no idea of. But if you really don't think its right for me to consider my mom my bestfriend, then please tell me why its soo wrong. Thanks.