Obligatory Start of Semester Post

Aug 25, 2007 19:42

So, here we are again. Semester started on Monday. I don't have any class on Monday (I nicely arranged my schedule so I only have classes Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday), but that was the official first day of class. And even though I do have a four day weekend, I work every day except every other Saturday, so I'm definitely keeping busy.

So, the classes I'm taking:

ENG 241: Lit of the US to 1860: This is one of the two classes I'm taking online. It's required for my major, and I have yet to talk to anyone who really has much to say about it one way or another. I haven't done any of the reading yet, so I can't say how that is. The professor comes across as slightly condescending in her online posts, which annoys me. We are college students, not third graders, please treat us accordingly. At least one advantage of taking the class online is that I don't have to talk to her too often.

ENG 352: The Short Story: This is another one I'm taking online. It's not required, but it does fulfill one of my required areas. This was going to be with Three Centuries of Vampire Literature, before said class was rudely canceled. But I do like short stories, even though I haven't read many of them. The professor seems pretty awesome, and we started off the class by reading "The Telltale Heart," which is always an awesome way to start off a class.

ENG 421: Shakespeare: I'm taking this course from the same professor I took Intro to Shakespeare with. I really liked her class then, so here's hoping this time will be the same. It off to a really good start. She's giving us a lot of control over how the class is run, which plays we read, that sort of thing. We start off by reading Richard II, which we read in her other class. Actually, about half the stuff we're reading this semester I've read before. But it seems like it's going to be awesome.

ENG 425: Studies in Romanticism: This class is going to be awesome. First off, I'm taking it with one of my favorite professors, Cajsa, who I took 200 with last semester. It was great, when we had go around introducing ourselves on the first day and saying why we were taking the class, everyone except one person said they had taken a class with Cajsa previously and wanted to do it again. Now that's the mark of a good prof. Secondly, Liz and Julie are also in the class with me. (Julie's in my Shakespeare class, too.) Liz is my SPN-watching buddy who I had two classes with last semester. And we all love Romanticism and slash. They go together surprisingly well. Plus, it's Romanticism, which is awesome and my area of special interest within English Lit. Yay!!

HON 394: The Artist's Self: I didn't really know anything about this class, and after one meeting I still really don't. It's about art and the creative process and the local arts scene and things like that. The main reason I'm taking it is because Susser is teaching it. Susser is this completely awesome prof who RaeAnn and I had back in freshman year. Anyway, we've been wanting to take another class with him since then, and this was our opportunity. We don't really care what it's about, as long as it's taught by Susser it's bound to be amazing. Also, me and this other guy Zac, who RaeAnn and I knew previously, is also in the class, and we're hoping we can do macros and other forms of internet multimedia as our research presentation. *fingers crossed*

HON 394: Life and the Universe (aka Life, the Universe, and Everything): OMG YOU GUYS THIS CLASS IS THE MOST AMAZING THING EVER!! It's taught by the same professor who was here last semester giving the lecture How to Build a Time Machine. The name pretty much sums it up. There is a lot of quantum involved. And stuff which is cool, but I don't really understand, but hopefully I will by the time the class is out. Get this, get this: The professor is head of the Post-Discovery Committee at SETI. This means in the event that we actually make contact with an extraterrestrial species, he's in charge. This class also makes me think a lot of Doctor Who, which adds to its awesome. The only not awesome part is that I seem to be the only person who appreciates the full awesomeness of this class. I was there geeking out like a very geeky thing, and everyone else was pretty much blah. I hope that was just because it was the first day and there wasn't much going on.

So, that's what I'm doing this semester. I think it'll be a good one.
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