I like the odd numbers.

Feb 02, 2008 15:06

1. Are you smiling?
Not at the moment.

2. Have you ever kissed anyone who’s name started with a J?
Yes, Jenny back in grade school and probably some other J-peeps after that or around that time. Back then I was a kissing whore. Spin the bottle was my favourite game.

3. What is irritating you now?
The fact that no matter how hard I try I seem to screw everything up.

4. When did you last eat pizza?
Thursday at Pizza experts with Andrea. Twas sinfully delicious!

5. Do you drink beer?
I almost bought a case last night, but had Dr. Pepper and rum instead.

6. Do you have any friends who are famous?
Unless they are Hannah Montana, no.

7. Are you any good at poker?
Actually, I've never played.

8. What do you want the most?
To have things in order and not worry so much about money and other stresses.

9. Are you tired?
Not really. I just had a pot of coffee.

10. Do you like anyone?
I like a lot of people. :D

11. Coke or Pepsi?
Pepsi! Sometimes I'll drink coke, but Pepsi is my drink of choice.

12. What do you want to be when you grow up?
I'm going to be an English professor...I hope...

15. Taco Bell or McDonald's?
How about no, you crazy dutch bastard!

16. Last thing you said?
I have no idea. Probably something to Trinity about her being stupid.

17. What are you wearing?
White tank and snowman flannel pj pants. Also, underwear. It's comfy!

18. How many abercrombie shirts do you own?
WTF, mate?

19. How many Myspace views do you have?
As if!

20. Want to be a princess?
I want to be treated like a princess! HA!

21. Do you believe dreams come true?
Hmm, they have. I had prophetic dreams about my sister being pregnant both times. Also, a dream about my roommate in second year being pregnant and then later about her losing the baby. Both came true. Anyone want to subscribe to my horriblescope mag rag? LOL.

23. Do you like Batman?
Yes, but NOT Batman Forever. I have yet to see the newer Batmans because I was traumatized by that movie.

24. Who is in the room with you?
Trinity, the mentally retarded cat.

25. What are you wearing on your feet?
Nothing. They are tucked underneath my comfortador.

26. What's your favorite pair of shoes?
Hmm, Andrea hates them. They are slip-on brown leather shoes with a mary jane look to them. They have bottoms that remind Andrea of something terrifying. I wish they weren't broken...

27. Who was the last person that told you they loved you?
I don't know! No one loves me! *sniff* Ha! Probably Mandy or my mom.

28. What was the last thing you ate?
A pot of coffee with brekkie sausages, toast, and scrambled eggs. I might never eat again after that... ;)

29. What were you doing before this?

30. What is the closest item near you that is black?
My laptop.

31. What was the last instant message you sent?
To Andrea. It said, "Mongoose!" Hehehe. >:D

32. Where did you go last night?
I was home. Although, around 10:30 pm, I ran to the Needs to pick up a bottle of Dr. Pepper and a pack of smokes. It was fun...?

33. What do you wear more, jeans or sweatpants?
Jeans. I have one pair of sweatpants. I only wear them to exercise or if I'm completely OUT of jeans and am going to the laundromat. But this rarely happens. Sweatpants=birth control pants. (credit goes to Andrea for that one)

34. What is the last movie you watched?

35. Where are your parents?
:( New Brunswick. Sniff Sniff.

36. Where did you get the pants you're wearing?
Snowman pj pants were purchased at the Saint John New Brunswick Wal-Star-Mart. I doubt they have them anymore. I got them over 4 years ago and they have holes, but I love them...

37. Coach Purse or NFL game tickets?
Coach Purse. I'm a girl. I have WAY too many purses. Buy me a Chloe bag and I'll put out! ;)

38. Where was your default Facebook picture taken?
In my room, after a drunken night of debauchery.

39. Who are you currently texting?
No one. Although, I'll probably text Andrea something motivational later to make her happy. I'm still thinking about what it will be.

40. Are you happy with where you are?
Somewhat. I am feeling ansy, though, and want to go on vacation or move into a different apartment. Neither is possible, though... Le sigh...

41. Is cheating ever okay?
N. O.

42. Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you?
N. O.

43. Are you happy with yourself?
Um, yes? Sort of... Okay... not really. Somewhat. etc.

44. Do you want someone you can't have?

45. Who makes you laugh the most?
Hmm...a bunch.

46. Whats your current relationship status?
Single. Too busy to care.

47. Last sport you played?
Hmm, I wrestled with my nephew during Christmas vacation. Before that, I vaguely remember games of touch football and frisbee with my niece and nephew two summers ago.

48. Name αn obvious quality you have?
Uh.... I dunno. You tell me! I have blonde hair and that's the only thing I can think of...

49. Whats the name of the song stuck in your head right now?
Martika's Kitchen and Janet Jackson's Feedback are rivaling each other atm. Feedback is winning!

49. Name a celebrity you would marry?
I don't want to marry ANYONE!

50. Who will cut & paste this first?
I stole it from Andrea and well... no one else really reads this except Mark and he hasn't posted in forever.

51. Has anyone ever said you look like a celebrity?
Someone said I looked a bit like Kate Winslet once, because I was drooling over her. I think I punched them in the arm and told them they were hilarious.

52. Do you wear a watch? What kind?
What is a watch??

53. Do you have anything pierced?
Ears. I once had my nose pierced. Want that again. I also pierced my upper ear myself once. It got infected (surprise! surprise!) and I had to take it out before it developed into something very gross. I will one day get this done professionally.

54. Do you have any tattoos?
Nope. I'm probably the only person who doesn't want them. Although, I did see the neatest tattoo of rainbow stars going up the side of someone's breast. I thought it was neat, but OMF they are insane! It would be PAINFUL!

55. Do you like pain?
Yes. But we'll not discuss that.

56. Do you like to shop?
OMF, yes please! Hold me back! Take away my credit card!

57. What was the last thing you paid for with cash?
A salad in the science cafe. Mmmm.

58. Whats your favorite lamp that you own?
It's got a black base and is a floor lamp with a funky scroll design at the top and the blue lamp shade hangs down from that in a cone shape. It's too bad it's broken. :'( I will buy another like it one day. I want it in red.

59. How many tvs are in your house?
Just the one. It's rarely turned on. Like your mother! HA!

60. What is on your desktop background?
Goldfrapp with wolf-like dogs beside her. Wanna see?

61. What is the background on your cell phone?
I don't own a cell phone. I text on the web in case you were wondering...

62. What was the last movie you watched in theatres?

63. What was the last book you read?
Alice in Wonderland. It should say The Picture of Dorian Gray, but I am a supa-slacka!

64. Do you talk in your sleep?
Yes. Something about monkeys this one time. Every once in a while I will wake myself up. Most of the time I know I moan in my sleep. I also snore and grind my teeth. Want to sleep with me??? LOL.

65. Ocean or pool?
Pool, but if the ocean is right... I will get in.

66. Did you ever have a party that was busted by the cops?

67. What are your favorite colors?
Purple! Purple! Purple!

68. Window seat or aisle seat?
Window. The food cart always hits my elbows when I have an aisle seat, because I try to get as far away from the other person as I can.

69. Ever meet anyone famous?
Kind of... not really. Okay, no.

70. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?
Twirly twirly.

71. How long do your showers last?
Not long enough. My hot water will last for ten minutes. :(

72. Do you know how to drive a stick?
I did once, but would probably kill a car now. I was 17 the last time I tried.

73. What would you like to spend a lot of time doing?
Doing what I do as much as I can: looking on the internet, downloading music, watching movies, listening to music, and looking at awesome photos.

74. Last person that called you?
Hmmm....... a wrong number, I think.

75. Whats your least favorite chore?
Doing the dishes. It makes my hands gross.

76. Favorite drink?
Water. Coffee. Booster Juice.

77. Are you a vegetarian?
Good. God. No. Give me a cow and I'll take a bite out of him! Kidding... Sort of...

78. Do you believe in heaven?
Heaven is in your mother's pants! Or: nope.

79. Favorite show?
Buffy, Veronica Mars, Angel, Sarah Silverman, 30 Rock, etc. I like a lot of stuff.

80. What jewelry do you wear?
A silver necklace with a picture of a sistine chapel angel on a medallion on it. A plain silver ring on my left hand thumb and a silver frog ring or a silver dolphin ring on my right ring finger and then small silver diamond-like chip earrings in my ears. I feel naked without these things.

81. Are you eating?
Nope. I had a huge necklace!

82. Do you make commitments?
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAH! Only ones I don't keep.

83. Can you dance?
Maybe? I've never asked.

84. Would you ever have plastic surgery?
Yes. I'd rather not explain...

85. What do you wear to bed?
I wear pj pants and t-shirts. It's my shtick.

86. Have you ever done anything illegal?

87. Can you roll your tongue?
Oh yeah...

88. If you won the lottery, what would you do?
Europe here I come!

89. When is the last time you cried?
Thursday during Persepolis. Such. A. Good. Movie.

90. Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?
OMF, yes! I wanted to dress like a man last Halloween. Prolly will this Halloween.

91. Ever been involved with the police?

92. Do you have pets?
Yeppers, Trinity, the mentally retarded cat. >:D

93. Favorite beer?
Guinness. I enjoy Guinness.

94. Exotic, import or muscle?
Whaaaaaaat are we talking about?

95. Even or odd?
I like the odd numbers.

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