Snippet - Do I look butch?

Jun 13, 2009 21:03

Fandom: Supernatural
For: genderswitched!Dean/Jo
Quality: Barely checked
Characters: Dean, Jo
Warning: Genderswitch!

"Do I look butch?"

She blinks a little. "Wha?"

"I mean, do I look like a cliché butch lesbian? Really?"

"Do you care?"

"Not really," he says, with the expression that means that's mostly a lie. Jo rolls her eyes and looks him over quickly. Mostly, he looks awkward, as if he doesn't quite fit in his skin. His hair kinda does make him look butch, but he's not gelling it up or anything, it's just sort of awkwardly flat and maybe curling a little, and he was obviously due for a haircut anyway 'cause it's getting a little long.

"You do, kinda," she says, but shrugs. "You mean you actually want to look like a girl, Dean? This some long-held, deep-seated fantasy of yours?"

"Shut up," he says. "Let's get out of here."

supernatural, snippets, jo (spn), dean

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