Open to the floor - Fandom memes

Oct 29, 2008 19:38

1. Post a list of up to 25 books/movies/anime/TV shows/video games/whatever that you've had an obsessive fannish love or interest in at some time in your life.
2. Have your f-list guess your favorite character from each text.

1. The Dark is Rising. Bran Davies. (feywood)
2. Supernatural. Dean Winchester. (feywood)
3. Firefly. Simon Tam. (feywood)
4. Final Fantasy IV. Rydia. (first_seventhe)
5. Final Fantasy VII. (Original canon, Advent Children, Crisis Core, Dirge of Cerberus.)
6. Final Fantasy VIII. Seifer Almasy. (first_seventhe)
7. Final Fantasy IX. Garnet Til Alexandros. (feywood)
8. Final Fantasy X. Auron and Rikku. (feywood and first_seventhe)
9. Final Fantasy X-2. Gippal. (feywood)
10. Final Fantasy XII. Balthier Bunansa. (feywood)
11. Kingdom Hearts. (I, CoM, II.) Axel. (feywood)
12. GetBackers. Juubei Kakei. (feywood)
13. The 4400. Shawn Farrell. (feywood)
14. FAKE. Ryo Maclean. (feywood)
15. The Fionavar Tapestry. Kevin Laine and Paul Schafer. (feywood)
16. Due South. Benton Fraser. (feywood)
17. Robin Hood (BBC). Djaq/Safiya. (feywood)
18. Good Omens.
19. Gundam Wing.
20. Phoenix Wright. Miles Edgeworth. (feywood)
21. Narnia. Caspian the Tenth. (feywood)
22. Digital Devil Saga. (I, II.)
23. Red Garden.
24. Howl's Moving Castle.
25. Yami no Matsuei.

Super extra points if you can say what makes that character my favourite. Super super gold star extra points if you guess who I like pairing them with most.

I have a lot of fandoms. Have you ever wondered about one of the fandoms I sometimes or rarely mention on my journal? Ask me any question you want about them! Fannish opinions, whatever.

Coming up once I've finished my second big essay: a discussion of whether or not The Dark Is Rising has a happy ending. And more fic. I swear.

open to the floor

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