Reviews - Apollo Justice

Mar 06, 2008 19:40

Finally finished Apollo Justice. :D I'm not sure if I have anything new or interesting to say about it, but I'm going to write a bit about my reactions. Spoilers ahead, of course.

Overall, I didn't like it as much as Trials and Tribulations. I really liked the way everything came together in that -- and I don't think it was quite as well done in Apollo Justice. Still, everything did come together and it's lovely. I got spoiled about the fact that Trucy and Apollo were siblings, so I wasn't surprised, but I certainly would have been surprised if I hadn't known that already. I'm not sure whether that was too much of a leap, though, story-wise. I wasn't kept on my toes looking for clues because I already knew what the connection was, so I don't think I can really judge. XD

I've gotten very fond of Apollo's shirtsleeves and Phoenix's hoody. I liked Phoenix's story, a lot. I was sure I was going to end up doing AUs that left this game out all the time, but I don't think I will -- or not that often. At first, Phoenix felt very wrong to me, but I definitely got into it. I liked seeing Ema again, and I liked Klavier, too. He's probably the sanest prosecutor in the series. XD He's cool.

The ending was looong, or it felt like it. So much text, so little doing. At least give me some luminol or fingerprinting to do, or make me shout objection.

Still, all in all I liked it and it was interesting. I liked the Mason system, and the Jurist system -- both nice touches, though I have to wonder why suddenly, in the third case of the fourth game of the series, the judge finally realised that the system was wonky.

As I was playing, I said: "My disbelief is still suspended enough for me to enjoy the games, though I'm not sure that I'd buy another game in the series. It gets a little repetitive, because the cases all necessarily work in the same way: the defence is working for the underdog against overwhelming odds, there're a few close calls, and in the end, the whole thing is turned round. Mind, if Apollo Justice comes together in the end like Trials and Tribulations did, I might change my mind about that."

I think I'll definitely be buying more games in the series, should there be more. :p

trucy, klavier, judge, reviews, apollo, ema, phoenix, ace attorney

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