
Oct 10, 2013 23:38

It's the readathon this weekend! I'm looking forward to it. I've stocked up on library books, charged up my ereaders, and tomorrow I'm nipping into town to see if there's anything else that takes my fancy. I have quite a few books I'm partway through that I'd like to finish, and some books I should read for courses and so on, so the list is a bit gargantuan.

Currently reading:
-Greg Bear, Hull Zero Three.
-Karen Lord, The Best of All Possible Worlds.
-Scott Lynch, Republic of Thieves.
-Various, Fearsome Journeys.
-Katharine Beutner, Alcestis.
-Lauren Beukes, Zoo City.
-James A. Moore, Seven Forges.

Library books:
-David Gemmell, Wolf in Shadow.
-Gary Gibson, Final Days.
-William Gibson & Bruce Sterling, The Difference Engine.
-Laini Taylor, Blackbringer.
-David Ely, A Journal of the Flood Year.
-Arthur C. Clarke, 2001: A Space Odyssey.

-Art Spiegelman, Maus.
-Marjane Satrapi, Persepolis.
-Jane Alison, The Love Artist.
-Sir Walter Scott, Waverley.
-Bram Stoker, Dracula.
-Mary Shelley, Frankenstein.

Longterm to read list:
-Terry Pratchett, Dodger.
-Lynn Flewelling, Luck in the Shadows.
-Brandon Sanderson, Elantris.
-Kate Griffin, A Madness of Angels.
-Wesley Chu, Deaths of Tao.
-Freya Robertson, Heartwood.
-M.C.A. Hogarth, The Worth of a Shell.
-Andrea K. Höst, Hunting.
-Cindy Lynn Speer, The Chocolatier's Wife.

...Which isn't really an exhaustive list, as I may change my mind any minute.

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