Recs: Disability fics

May 09, 2010 12:09

Tomorrow, I'll be posting my au_bigbang fic. In honour of that, considering it involves a character who can't speak, I'm going to rec some of my favourite Supernatural fics involving some kind of disability. My spn_j2_bigbang fic will also involve blindness, so this will remain topical.

If you know of any other good ones -- any pairing or none! -- let me know. I'm suffering from a lack of gen, considering both my Big Bangs are gen.

Unsaid, by [as yet unknown author]
Relevance: Dean is deaf, Castiel is mute.
Characters/Pairing: Dean, Castiel, Sam, assorted cast (Dean/Castiel
They make a good pair, the deaf boy and the mute angel.
At least, that’s what Dean figures the people in charge of the orphanage thought when they stuck them in the same room. Not that anyone knows Cas is an angel. Not like anyone would believe that.
Notes: This is a sweet AU. Not as totally AU as I thought, actually, but quite. There's no magical healing at all, just dealing with it.

My Eyes Are An Ocean, by entangled_now
Relevance: Dean is blind.
Characters/Pairing: Dean, Castiel, Sam, Bobby (Dean/Castiel)
Rating: NC17
Dean can't tell what time it is, or if it's daylight, he can't tell if it's cloudy, or raining, or hell even if the curtains are open.
But he does know one thing.
The world smells like breakfast.
Which is a pretty good start.
Notes: This fic deals with the fact that there's magic and angels and a hope of healing by making it a trade. It doesn't come easy. It reminds me of the gods' interventions in the Fionavar Tapestry, somehow -- earned, not a gift. I don't like the sequel as much because, for me, it takes away some of that. But this is gorgeous. Love, and sacrifice, and hope.

Unsuffer Me, by [as yet unknown author]
Relevance: Dean is deaf, scarred, and apparently mute.
Characters/Pairing: Dean, Sam, Bobby, Castiel (Dean/Castiel)
Rating: NC17
After the end of the world I just wanted to rest and chill out, not to re-build my life from scratch around the fact that I can’t hear shit and that I look like the fucking phantom of the Opera.
Notes: This was written especially for me, and it's so awesome. It covers a long healing process, both of Dean's own body and his relationships to other people. There's magic, an acknowledgement of the potential for that kind of healing, but it's thwarted and things don't quite work out the ideal way. Which is the way life works.

You can now read my fic here!

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supernatural, recs, au_bigbang, dean, sam, castiel, big bang, bobby

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