Review - Zoe's Tale

Apr 26, 2010 16:13

Zoe's Tale (John Scalzi)

Mmm, brain candy. And I don't mean that in any kind of bad way. This isn't hard SF, it's easy to read, easy to follow, nothing too complicated. It's more about people. I think I liked this more than I liked The Last Colony, though I gave that a similar rating -- it was good to get into Zoe's head, good to see things from a different perspective, and this way you could get to know the Obin a little better, and see what happened behind the scenes, so to speak.

I love Enzo's character, and totally forgot what happened to him until the moment Scalzi ripped out my heart. Ouch.

There was some awesome banter -- I remember that being a strength in other books, too. Definitely glad I finally got round to reading this, even if it's sad in places.

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