Recs: Sherlock Holmes, FFVIII, Phoenix Wright, SPN

Apr 09, 2010 00:46

Another recs post! I've been doing this as I go along, and I'm posting this on only-just-Friday-morning because I'm on holiday and travelling today. Anyway, I even have a meta section this time! Enjoy.


Sherlock Holmes

One Week, by janeturenne
Pairing: Holmes/Watson
Rating: NC17
Teaser: It began innocently enough.
Well, no, as a matter of fact, it did not begin innocently enough, not by any normal standard. The fact that I feel justified in starting off my narrative in such a way is proof only of how very far from innocent it eventually became. It actually began with Holmes smoking a cigarette on the left side of his bed, in a state of some considerable nudity, while I stretched languidly on the right side, in a state of greater nudity still. Not, then, a particularly innocuous scene, but far more so than the one prevailing in that vicinity only a few minutes before.
Notes: Heee. Wonderful oneupmanship (HOW WOULD I MAKE THAT WORD LOOK RIGHT?) and hot hot hot porn.


Did what I could, for one of us, by haruslex
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Rating: R
Teaser: And if he looks lost and sorrowful when he wakes in the morning, well, that’s why Dean’s here. It can’t be easy, adjusting to life as an almost-human. He holds Cas close through the night and tries to help all he can.
Notes: This breaks me. And that is all I can say without spoiling you.

Right Through You, by entangled_now
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Rating: R
Teaser: Dean sits back and Castiel looks quietly upset at the sudden distance between them. Dean has to take a breath and then another. Because asking his brain to think is going to take a second. More than a second. Longer, with Castiel sliding up in the sheets all stretch and flex of skin and muscle. Dean groans and fists his hands on his thighs.
Notes: Castiel being Other, and Dean being confused by the fact that they're so different.

Only Fools Rush In, by anonymous
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Rating: NC17
Teaser: "Times are changing, kiddo," Gabriel says. "With half of the big names upstairs whining about how things didn't go to plan and the other half scrambling to fill in the gaps left by our dead and defected brothers, it's all hands on deck. Angels don't walk the material plane unless shit is going down, and all the important shit has dropped and is starting to cool. We're getting the hell out of Dodge, hombre." Gabriel smirks and casts his gaze quickly around the dilapidated interior of the warehouse. "This here is the last pit-stop. The new management of Heaven would like to express its grudging gratitude to you two chuckle-heads, and Castiel wanted to tie up loose ends."
Notes: This is a lovely slow build towards a deep emotional connection between the boys, with Dean learning to love. It's lovely.

Won't You Please, Please?, by serialkarma
Pairing: Dean/Castiel (sort of)
Rating: NC17
Teaser: Frankly, this habit the angels have of popping into the middle of his dreams is starting to piss Dean the fuck off. It’s always the good dreams, too-ones where he’s fishing, or in the middle of, you know, other relaxing things. Things involving strippers and the occasional pair of pink satin panties. The angels never seem to bother interrupting him when he’s in the middle of a lovely stroll down memory lane with Alistair and his knife collection, though, god or who-the-fuck-ever forbid.
Notes: This fic is a mindfuck. Read it, but don't say I didn't warn you.

Fill A Space In Which Two Bodies Float, by neros_violin
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC17
Teaser: “Seriously, Sam. I feel like an Amish Girl Scout,” Dean mutters, placing a wick into one of the cooled pillars of wax. “Remind me why I’m doing this again.”
Sam picks at the dried wax on his fingernails as Dean goes about finishing the candles with a fussy, perfectionist air that he recognizes from years of adhering to his brother’s meticulous standards of care for things he feels are important - weapons, the Impala, Sam. “To prevent the Apocalypse?” Which in addition to being a non-answer isn’t exactly true. The ritual, and the six-day preparation for it, isn’t supposed to stop the end of the world but hopefully it’s going to stop Lucifer and Michael or at least keep them from riding shotgun in Sam and Dean’s bodies, which will significantly slow their Celebrity Death Match down.
Notes: Hot, and magic cock saves the world. Kind of. It's sensual and emotional as well as porny.


Final Fantasy VIII

On the Run, by darthneko
Characters: Irvine, Zell, Selphie, Rinoa, Squall, Seifer
Rating: PG13
Notes: This is a story as much as it's art. It spawned a whole AU-FFVIII verse in my head. It's wonderful.

Phoenix Wright

Nick/Iris, by
Pairing: Phoenix/Iris
Rating: SFW
Notes: This is just lovely.


Corresponding Shapes, by spacefragments
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Rating: NC17
Notes: Hot. ♥


Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes, John Watson and Mary Morestan, by
Extract: All three of them together make this really solidly balanced set. I mean, they just do. It's very clear that Watson and Holmes really do form necessary parts of each other; Mary completes the triangle in ways that make it stable, make it something that can change and grow and have a future, while at the same time making her incredibly happy, in a way that very few women of her type in her time would have opportunity to be.
Notes: It's all about the three characters as an OT3, but it contains a lot of thought about them individually, as well.

rinoa, holmes, sherlock holmes, mary (sh), phoenix, sam, selphie, watson, zell, irvine, dean, ace attorney, squall, seifer, castiel, iris

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