Musing: Big Bangs - Not started, completed, in need of title, just signed up...

Mar 30, 2010 12:34

I haven't updated properly about progress in a while, so here goes. The SPN/J2 Big Bang fic has progressed no further than a handful of paragraphs. I've decided that my approach to it is no good, and sometime today I'm going to fit in sitting down and working it all out, including making sure there's an actual plot.

Proving that that method works for me is the AU Big Bang, which only needed to hit 15k words and is, in fact, closer to 20k, at around 18.5k, and bound to get a bit longer when I do last edits. Which, yes, I am trying to say it's finished. And edited, somewhat. It acquired a title in a burst of inspiration just before bed the night before I finished it, which is unusual for me. The title is "Right Where We Belong", but it should also be affectionately known as "The One In Which Hugs Saved The World". That isn't a joke. Hugs save the world, and everyone (except the demons) gets some hugging time. It ended up being genfic (I thought for a while it might be Dean/Castiel) and involves Ellen and Jo both being badass. Ruby even gets a line or two.

I have also jokingly created drinking game rules for it, which I think I'll post as a promo, nearer the time, like I posted the author's fanmix for the kink_bigbang fic.

The SPN Crossover Big Bang still has no title, but we'll see. I need to add 300 words of padding to satisfy the mods, since it came in juuust under 15k.

I've also signed up for
scifibigbang, and am eyeing
kinked and
hardmode. I'm doing an apocalyptic Firefly fic for the SF/F Big Bang, dunno what I'm doing for
kinked, and the FFX-2 cyberpunk AU for
hardmode. In theory.

(And by the way, if anyone wants an DW invite code or a couple of codes, you just need to ask me. I give mine out randomly on twitter, so I am obviously not averse to handing them out to relative strangers.)

kink_bigbang, sncross_bigbang, spn_j2_bigbang, hardmode (bigbang), kinked (big bang), au_bigbang, musing, scifibigbang, big bang

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