Musing: Big Bangs - Crossover and AU updates

Jan 22, 2010 01:56

The crossover Big Bang is now at 5k words, about five scenes (and the start of another). I've started working the two canons into each other -- spent a good bit of time yesterday researching the Enochian and Welsh I needed, and then ended up deciding that I wasn't really going to use either, just describe it being used (as in "he swore in Welsh" -- or whatever). Although, if anyone has links to really good sources for Enochian and Welsh, let me have them! Mostly, I need the words for "sorrow", "sword" and "sun", in Enochian: I found them, I think, but they were in situ with other words which may have modified them, and Anglo-Saxon has made me terrified of the effects of things like case...

For a while, I pondered abusing my knowledge of Anglo-Saxon, but I couldn't really fit it in. Anglo-Saxon can't be the Old Speech, though I suppose it could come from it. Enochian would be a better fit for the Old Speech, in this 'verse, but I decided that angels and Old Ones are not that closely linked.

So far, fitting the two canons together is a little bit of a headache, but not too much. When I come to proofreading it, I might want to kill myself slightly.

Will and Bran are continuing to act up and steal the show, somewhat. I'm not arguing with that, I think it's good: it'll make for a stronger fic, since originally I wasn't planning to use them that much. Now they're getting whole scenes to themselves -- or, well, at least one.

The other thing I did was finally make a full plan. I think I know what I'm doing a bit better now. And I think I'm actually going to get to 15k quite easily, even without adding any more scenes than the fifteen I have in mind. I might be hoping for too much, knowing myself.

The first check-in for the AU Big Bang approaches. It's not compulsory, but people are flailing about it a bit, which makes me feel guilty for the fact I haven't done much work on it. I don't expect the crossover Big Bang to take me too much longer, and then I can focus on the AU Big Bang for a while, so my strategy still works, but... Maybe tomorrow I'll actually start writing the AU Big Bang and see if I can work on both at once.

sncross_bigbang, musing, au_bigbang, big bang

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