Snippet - Another mark

Nov 06, 2009 17:38

Fandom: Supernatural
For: kink_bigbang
Quality: Barely checked
Characters: Dean, Sam

"We've got to stop doing this, Sammy," Dean says. He's sprawled out all over the bed, his head is on Sam's thigh, and he's pretty much the picture of post-coital satisfaction. That doesn't lend much weight to his words, and, Sam feels, justifies his little snort.

"Why? Too much for your dignity?"

Dean just smiles, lazy-sweet, and turns a little so he can look up at Sam's face. "Nah. I just think, if we keep coming that hard, we're going to have heart attacks."

He looks fucking gorgeous, his lips dark and bitten, his whole body slack with afterglow. Sam could almost find enough energy for another round, just looking at him and thinking about his mouth and what he could do with it. All he does, though, is reach up and run his fingers through Dean's hair, almost petting him. He's not exactly surprised when Dean stretches just a little, pushes into it.

"I think I'll risk it," he says, tugging just a little at the longer strands. Dean makes a little noise.



Dean stretches out more, idly running his hands over Sam's body, stroking his knee. He's still smiling openly. "Me too."

Sam will work up the energy to kiss him for that, sooner or later. For now, he just slides his fingers through Dean's hair again, makes another mark on his inner map of them. "Good."

kink_bigbang, supernatural, sam, snippets, big bang, dean

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