Recs - DDS, FFIV, Merlin, P3, RPS, SPN, TDIR

Sep 28, 2009 00:00

It has been a very, very long time since I posted any recs. I have fandom hopped since then! Since I have so very very many bookmarked since that time, I'm going to try and be selective, but it's still likely to be a long list. It's funny, there are also a lot of fics I've bookmarked that definitely have their flaws, but that I love for something perfect inside them. So I'll give those some love too. It's not just the absolutely perfect ones, here.

Fandoms for the fic recs: Digital Devil Saga, Final Fantasy IV, Merlin, Persona 3, RPS, Supernatural, The Dark is Rising.
Fandoms for the art recs: Digital Devil Saga, Supernatural.


Digital Devil Saga

This Sort of Risk, by
Pairing: Gale/Lupa
Rating: PG
Teaser: Lupa looks at him evenly. "Are you afraid to trust?"
"What is trust?"
Notes: I really liked the idea of Gale/Lupa. I like the way this isn't trying to shoehorn in too much -- it's simple, it's restrained, it's just a stolen moment.

Can't Stand Up, by Laylah
Pairing: Roland/Argilla
Rating: PG13
Teaser: When he lowers his gun to his side and takes a step toward her - toward the demon form she still wears at the close of this battle, slender and elegant but towering over him - it isn’t lack of fear that makes him dizzy.
Notes: I really like that this isn't all about the human parts of them.

Final Fantasy IV

From the Stores, by first_seventhe
Characters: Edge, Kain (possible implied Kain/Edge)
Rating: PG13
Teaser: "First of all, no more drinking alone." Edge wags a finger in Kain's face, but the glint in his eyes is serious. "Because despite what you might think in Kain Highwind Land, you're - surprise! - actually not the only man on the face of the planet who has been rejected by a woman."
Notes: Heee Kain and Edge, need I say more?


Favorite, by astolat
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Rating: NC17
Teaser: Arthur was tipped back against the wall, his mouth open for breath and staring at the small arrow-slit window over Merlin's head, trying to work out how it could possibly be that good with Merlin, of all people, and then he heard footsteps coming up the stairs and realized he was about to be caught in the hallway looking like a drunken half-wit who couldn't even restrain himself long enough to get off in private.
Notes: Crack and sex and love.

Persona 3

Memento, by laylah
Pairing: Akihiko/Shinjiro
Rating: NC17
Teaser: Death wasn't anything like he expected, anything like he remembers from Sunday school lessons at the orphanage. He remembers hanging around and watching the SEES team keep going, watching them grow up and get tough and refuse to give up. He remembers a presence in the dark with him, huge and distant and totally incomprehensible, watching him like it was curious, or something.
Notes: This fixed me a little.


Every Day Feels Like Sunday, by
Pairing: Jeffrey/Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC17
Teaser: Conversation stops as Jared thunders down the stairs, face split with a smile so wide his cheeks hurt. At the bottom, he pauses to take in the six-pack in Jensen's grip, the curl of his other hand near Jeff's neck, the dark shadow of stubble there and the curve of Jeff's lips.
Notes: It's pure smut and it's awesome.

Too Much Of A Good Thing Makes It Better, by beckaandzac
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC17
Teaser: Jared--who thinks Jensen should have known what he was getting into when he had his hand down Sam Winchester’s jeans an hour ago--does not want to wait.
Notes: The fandom cliche about Jared/Sam's huge cock! With butt plugs!


Me and The Devil Blues and Bury My Body Down By The Highway Side by britomart_is
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC17 for both
Teaser: But this wasn't Meg, it was Dean (almost), and Dean'd been letting Sam in for decades, giving Sam everything that belonged to him, so it was time to return the favor.
Notes: This is AU after season three. It's amazing and it hurts so much and it feels like it could happen.

On What Wings, by swear-jar
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: R
Teaser: “Everything I said and did was me,” Dean says. He glances away from the flat stretch of road to look at Sam’s blank profile. He’s trying to tell Sam it’s okay. Sam’s not sure Dean knows what he’s trying to comfort Sam about. Or maybe he does. He doesn’t know how much Dean’s plain not saying. “It was just me seeing things in a different light.”
Notes: AU, because now we know about angels. And I think it mentions John. This one is beautiful and it hurts.

In The Valley of the Shadow, by fleshflutter
Pairing: Sam/Jess/Madison/Dean
Rating: NC17
Teaser: When Sam is not around, Dean sleeps in his own bed in his own room with the door between him and them locked and bolted.
Notes: Creepy and dark and I don't find this hot at all, despite the sexiness described, I find it creepy and it gets into my head.

I Wanna Hold You Till I Die, by lazy_daze
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC17
Teaser: "No, Jesus, Dean! Why are you touching me at all? What's with all the--snuggling crap? Are you alright? Why are you all over me?" Sam tries not to let a hysterical note enter his voice.
Dean tightens his mouth. He slowly withdraws his arm and shifts away. By about an inch. "Well, sorry, man. I just wanted to.
Notes: A curse makes Dean snuggle. How awesome is that? No spoilers, can't quite see where it's meant to fit.

Dating for Dummies, by sevenfists
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: R
Teaser: "Oh God," Sam said to the startled barista. "I'm doomed."
"You want coffee to go along with that certain demise?" the barista asked.
Notes: Funny and sweet. No spoilers, can't quite see where this is meant to fit with canon, either.

Comes a Rattle and Hum, by someblazingstar
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Rating: NC17
Teaser: “I don’t want to be strong enough to kill my brother,” he finally says.
Notes: This one hurts and is awesome and ends well. Spoilerific for S4, but any details that spoil S5 are actually coincidental. It's mostly been Kripke'd.

The truth is written in the curve of your lips and the bow of your head is a benediction to me, by memphis86
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC17
Teaser: It's the truth, the way his vision clears and he can see the color and the light emanating from Chuck's fingertips, the wings Castiel holds caped around his body like armor and the light that comes from Dean.
Notes: Another of those post-S4 speculative fics that got some details somehow right but got Kripke'd. Beautiful.

Three's a Crowd, by strangeandcharm
Pairing: Dean/Castiel, Dean/OMC
Rating: NC17
Teaser: No, what I’m trying to say here is that B.C. - Before Castiel, you see what I did there? - life was simple. Dean looked after his brother. That was all there was to it, and it was a valiant mission, and he did it well. He looked after Sammy. And if Sammy grew big and tall and started looking after himself, well, Dean never really noticed, and it wasn’t as though I could tell him. For a grown man, he can be remarkably dense at times. He’s so blinded by the love for his family that he can’t see what’s staring him in the face.
Notes: I didn't think I'd like this. And then I read it. And yeah, there's a plot -- a spirit haunts Dean and falls in love with him -- and there's sex -- between Dean and Castiel -- and angst.

My Eyes Are An Ocean, by libraryofsol
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Rating: NC17
Teaser: Dean can't tell what time it is, or if it's daylight, he can't tell if it's cloudy, or raining, or hell even if the curtains are open.
But he does know one thing.
The world smells like breakfast.
Which is a pretty good start.
Notes: I have a big "fickink" for blindness in fiction. A big one. This is ironic, considering that's been going on for years, but I found out this year that my mother's going blind and I probably will too. So this one kicks me right in the stomach, a lot. And then the end. The end. Oh.

Smitten, by fleshflutter
Pairing: Sam/Michael
Rating: PG
Teaser: Michael was Dean, if Dean were a pretty-pretty princess. Sunshine found previously non-existent gold highlights in Dean's hair, and his eyes were green in a way that would have inspired a whole generation of poets to spend the rest of their lives in search of the perfect simile, because emeralds and jade just didn't cut it.
Notes: AU, if Dean said yes to the angels in S5. It just made me laugh. And it fixes some things.

Fall, by rageprufrock
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Rating: NC17
Teaser: Castiel just looks at him, adoring, lustful, jealous, and rasps, "They're right, though, about your mouth," and kisses Dean savagely.
Notes: I have been blatantly stealing bits of this in private RP over the past couple of days. Some of it is just gorgeous.

A Wincest Story, by trinityofone
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Rating: PG13
Teaser: Yet when he listened to their former angel pronounce his new official human name over and over, first giddy, then reverent-“Cas Winchester, Cas Winchester”-Sam couldn’t shake the feeling that this was somehow going to come back and bite them in the ass.
Notes: Adorable futurefic!

Grandcars, by derryderrydown
Pairing: Metallicar/Truckzilla
Rating: PG
Teaser: "I know, we need to keep separate." Don't argue with the hallucination. "But shouldn't my car get to see its kids?"
Notes: Delicious crack.

What to Expect When Your Impala's Expecting, by epeeblade
Pairing: Impala/OMC
Rating: PG
Teaser: "Are her nipples sore?" Sam turned to look back. "Where are the nipples on a car anyway?"
Notes: More delicious crack!

The Dark is Rising

A Prince of Sheep, by bardiclog
Pairing: Bran/Barney
Rating: PG
Teaser: Never had he known a kiss so sweet, so fiery, so - beautiful. If only it could go on forever, his hands feeling the lean muscles of Bran's body, the dance of their lips, like a conversation, like a kindling fire, like crystals and harp song and more involving than even the most intense artwork Barney had ever done...
Notes: I loved this. There's a kind of archaic-ness in the writing and the dialogue and the portrayal of Bran that just... fits. And Barney's sweet, and it makes use of the hints at his prescience. And it's Bran/Barney, which I'm not sure anyone else has ever written...

The Leaves of Memory Parch and Fade, by antumbral
Pairing: Will/Bran
Rating: NC17
Teaser: Bran stilled and shifted to turn around, but Will wrapped his hands over Bran's to keep them on the knife and tomato. "Don't mind me," he said, letting the motion of his lips brush feather-light kisses against the crest of Bran's spine. "I wouldn't want to hold up dinner any longer."
Notes: It's lovely. Sexy and emotional.


Digital Devil Saga

Argilla and Jinana, by nuu
Pairing: Argilla/Jinana
Rating: PG
Notes: So pretty!


Sam/Dean, by seymourspn
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: PG
Notes: Pretty, and I love little bits of it so much, like Dean's eyes and hair.

In the Arms of Morpheus, by griseldajane
Characters: Sam, Dean (implied Wincest)
Rating: G
Notes: Sam and Dean curled up together. I like Dean's sleeves a lot, for some reason, and the way Sam looks.

Three's a Crowd, by leyna55
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Rating: R
Notes: There's something a little off about it, like the expressions aren't quite right, but it looks like them and some of the details are glorious, and it goes with one of the fics I recced above.

Have Faith, by gembat
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Rating: R
Notes: This is an awesome idea. Castiel as humanoid but somewhat monstrous, a bit creepy, and yet the picture is still full of love.

Dean, by spacefragments
Pairing: Dean/Castiel implied
Rating: NC17
Notes: It's just. hot.

And, well. I write a lot. And I don't often, these days, crosspost a lot. So there is a lot of my fic that I don't feel has got the attention that maybe it deserves. So, for posterity, here goes. Some self-recs. I do not promise brilliance, and nor will I pretend ambivalence. I think my fics are awesome; that much is obvious.

Fandoms: Supernatural, The Dark Is Rising.


And Now
Characters: Castiel, Sam, Dean
Rating: G
Summary: The world has not ended, and yet...
Notes: Written pre-S5.

The Burning World
Characters: Sam, Dean
Rating: G
Summary: They don't have much of an army, but what they got's good enough.
Notes: Written pre-S5.

Like An Island
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Rating: G
Summary: Sam can see it even though he's never really seen them touch.
Notes: Written pre-S5. Just a quietly shippy moment. Not really Kripke'd yet.

In His Shining
Pairing: Uriel/Castiel
Rating: G
Summary: He hates the confinement of this mortal flesh.
Notes: Somewhat sympathetic to Uriel!

Angels Would Fall
Characters: Sam, Dean, Castiel (Dean/Castiel faintly implied)
Rating: G
Summary: Sam doesn't know what good this is supposed to do.
Notes: I tried to contain a lot in a little here, and I like the way it worked out. Written pre-S5, with a fallen!Castiel. Properly fallen, like Anna, not the way people write him as still being in Jimmy's body but fallen.

The Song Remains The Same
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: PG13
Summary: They all start to look like Dean in the end.
Notes: Dark AU where Dean was not rescued from hell -- not by Castiel, anyway.

Going to California (Boys Will Be Boys Will Be Girls With No Warning)
Pairing: Dean/Jo
Rating: R
Summary: Magical instantaneous gender switching is a new one for Dean.
Notes: This is one I really wish had got more attention. As far as I know, only two people read it. But I worked hard on it. Dean/Jo genderswitch, what doesn't sound good about that? Hovers in the middle of S4, written pre-S5.

The Dark is Rising

Dreams of Darkness
Characters: Barney, Bran, Will, Jane
Rating: G
Summary: Barney doesn't even see in dreams anymore.
Notes: I love the idea of Barney being prescient. I love exploring blindness in fic, particularly after I learnt that I might go blind. Hence, this. Tread lightly, for you tread on my fears, here...

Can I?
Pairing: Will/Bran
Rating: NC17
Summary: There's a drip and splinters, but it doesn't matter. Will and Bran explore each other a little.
Notes: I really like writing innocent exploration type sex. I should do more of it.

In a Dark World
Pairing: Will/Bran
Rating: PG
Summary: While Will was weak, the Dark could take everything from him.
Notes: More exploration of blindness.

The Other Choice
Pairing: Will/Bran (sort of)
Rating: PG
Summary: Will hadn't been to Wales in years, but he was drawn back.
Notes: Fun with reincarnation(?). I like the uncertainty I built into the fic.

Characters: Will, Bran, Barney, Simon, Jane, John, Owen, Guinevere, Blodwen, OMC (sort of)
Rating: PG
Summary: Six must be gathered again, to face an old threat wearing a new face.
Notes: Had to be mentioned because it was my baby for so long. My epic. Featuring everyone remembering, and prescient!Barney, and adventure-y fun.

bran, will (tdir), edge, digital devil sa, sam, the dark is rising, kain, shinjiro, jensen, gale, merlin, arthur, supernatural, jinana, recs, jdm, merlin (bbc), argilla, dean, roland, jared, akihiko, rps, castiel, barney, persona 3, final fantasy iv, lupa

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