Title: Drabble Spectacular, November 7th
Rating: PG13
Series: G1
Summary: Drabbles concerning Hound and Mirage, based on the word of the day from
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: As per usual, the good things in life are not mine to have, but belong to someone else... in this case Hasbro, Takara and IDW and anyone else I’ve forgotten…
Authors Notes: I'm mad... I must be mad. This is written for the
houndxmirage Three's a Charm challenge. I shall be attempting a drabble (100 words) every day. Feel free to poke me (gently) if I miss a day? And this does have mod approval :)
Feedback makes friends. Flames dealt with by the masters of paranoia and fire, Red Alert and Inferno.
November 7 - fossick
The first holiday on Earth they took, Mirage shouldn’t have been surprised at their destination. Australia. Somewhere Hound had studied at length. They spent their days travelling around, meeting the locals, fossicking in opal mine spoils, everything they could find to do, they did. And the nights they spent together, revelling in the fact that there wasn’t another soul around for miles. If they were both honest, it felt more like a honeymoon to them both than a holiday. When the time came to meet Skyfire for their ride home, both of them were unusually quiet, neither wanting to leave.