TF: Static

Jul 16, 2010 00:00

Rating: PG
Series: G1
Pairings: Red Alert/Soundwave
Summary: Red Alert and Soundwave will always find some way of contacting one another once the war starts.  But will they get found out?
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: As per usual, the good things in life are not mine to have, but belong to someone else... in this case Hasbro, Takara and IDW and anyone else I’ve forgotten…
Authors Notes: For thetf_speedwriting Wednesday 14th July prompt 6 - Communication difficulties.  Doesn’t quite fit into the Secured Communications verse, but it’s close!
Feedback makes friends.  Flames dealt with by the masters of paranoia and fire, Red Alert and Inferno.
Prompt: 6
Time: 43 minutes

It wasn’t the first time he’d contacted him via this route.  And it probably wouldn’t be the last.  Jazz thought he was the master of sneaking around the systems.  But Red Alert had designed this system and knew all the ways to circumnavigate it.

“Soundwave here.” Came the faint voice across the link, static muffling half the transmission.  Fiddling with dials, Red Alert had time enough to wish he was more skilled in this like Blaster before he got the channel clear.
“Red?” Red Alert slumped back in his seat, allowing Soundwave’s voice to sweep over him.  It was often he was able to contact his lover.  And he knew he shouldn’t even be contacting him, not with the war escalating the way it was.  But he couldn’t not hear Soundwave’s voice,  Not without going crazy.  He could put up with not seeing his lover, but not even being able to talk to him?  That was when he didn’t give a frag about rules and regulations.


It was difficult scheduling the time to talk to one another.  Both had duties they had to attend to, and neither of them could afford to be caught.  But they couldn’t just not speak to one another.  They’d been so close before the war broke out that the thought of not keeping in contact had never occurred to either of them.

Things only became more difficult when Soundwave was promoted to third in command, a position that meant he was close to Megatron.  And meant that it was more problematic to contact Red Alert without being caught.

It took longer to reroute the communication channel through as many different receivers as he could so the signal couldn’t be traced in either direction.
“Soundwave contacting Red Alert.”
“I’m here.” Came Red Alert’s cautious voice across the line.  “Is this line secure?”
“As secure as I can make it.” Soundwave could almost hear Red Alert nod.
“How… how have you been?” Soundwave hated answering that question.  The Decepticons didn’t seem to have access to as much energon as the Autobots.  Soundwave had only found out why once he’d been promoted; Megatron was stockpiling it and rationing it amongst his troops.
“As well as can be expected.” Soundwave finally answered.  The answer didn’t seem to satisfy Red Alert judging by the grumble he could hear, even with the poor quality of the line.
“I miss you.” The admission was so quiet that Soundwave could barely hear it above the static clouding the channel.
“And I miss you.” He replied.

They kept their calls short so to avoid arousing suspicion.  However, Blaster buzzing the security office door after Red Alert had finished a call with Soundwave had the security director jumping.
“Enter.” He keyed in the door code, allowing the communications officer to enter.
“Hey Red.”
“How’s Soundwave doing?” Blaster cut straight to the point.
“I…” Red Alert paused.  “He’s doing as well as can be expected.” He sighed, knowing that he’d been caught.  However careful they’d been, they still hadn’t managed to be careful enough.
“Hey Red, I ain’t gonna tell on ya.  Just thought I might be able ta help you with getting a clear channel every now and then.”
“Oh…” Blaster grinned at Red Alert.  “Thank you Blaster.”
“Don’t mention it Red.” That got Blaster a small smile from the security director.
“Really, thank you.”
“Just remember it next time ya tell me off fer listening ta music channels on duty.”

red alert/soundwave, blaster, speedwriting, tf

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