MFU: December Drabbles

Dec 13, 2009 23:25

On mfuwss , they're prompting each day a word related to Christmas/winter. I'm posting in batches, so here are the third lot of drabbles. Slash present in Sleigh Bells.

9 - Sleigh Bells
He couldn’t get the ringing out of his ears. All he could hear were those sleigh bells, and then the memory of the sleigh bearing down on him to pluck him out of the snow at gunpoint.
He sat up, breathing heavily. This wasn’t right. U.N.C.L.E. agents didn’t suffer from nightmares. Particularly ones involving sleigh bells and snow.

“Napoleon?” Illya asked sleepily.
“I’m fine.” He wasn’t. But he wasn’t going to tell Illya that.
“No you’re not.” Illya sat up, wrapping an arm around him. “The same dream?” Napoleon just nodded.
“I suppose singing about your favorite things won’t help?”

10 - Elf
Napoleon watched in amazement. Half of U.N.C.L.E. HQ would be surprised to see the ‘Ice Prince’ interacting so readily with the children.
They were at a school for under-privileged youngsters, attending their Christmas play. Napoleon was there at Illya’s request and now he knew exactly what his partner did on his rare days off; he worked with these children. He watched Illya smile as their faces lit up when he complimented their costumes. They were all dressed in a range of gaudy colors, ready to become Santa’s elves. What Napoleon didn’t realise was that he was expected to be Santa!

11 - Frankincense
He shouldn’t really have been surprised at Illya’s momentary distraction in the short straggly tree they were hiding behind. Out here in the desert, there was little cover.
“Frankincense.” He heard Illya murmur, before the Russian turned his attention back to their Thrush pursuers.
“So?” Napoleon muttered, more concerned with how close Thrush was getting. Of course, the fact that they were on horseback meant they could catch up more easily.
“I like frankincense.” Illya retorted, aiming carefully and shooting one of their pursuers. His horse ran past them, riderless.
“Next you’ll tell me you like gold and myrrh too.”

12 - North Pole
“The North Pole? No, we are not going that far north.” Illya muttered for the umpteenth time. Napoleon just shivered and huddled deeper into his coat. He was actually glad he let Illya drive - it gave him more chance to focus on keeping himself warm. How Illya managed it so easily he just wasn’t sure.
“Still seems like it.” Napoleon groused back from within the folds of his coat. Even wrapped up as warmly as he was, he still felt cold, the biting wind roaring around their small car, creeping in every gap it could find to chill the interior.

13 - Santa Lucia
How they could be expected to find a Thrush agent amongst the crowds of people littering the streets of this small Swedish town, Napoleon just didn’t know.
“Public holiday?” He queried in an undertone to his partner.
“Santa Lucia.” Illya replied, equally softly. He indicated the girl at the head of the parade they were inadvertently caught up in, wearing a headdress of candles. “Saint Lucy, martyred and revered in Scandinavian countries.” Illya almost sounded as though he believed in the saint, but that could just be the hushed tones he was speaking in to avoid drawing attention to themselves.

mfu, illya, napoleon, challenge

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