Rating: PG
Pairings: Illya/Napoleon
Summary: 100 words on fire
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: As per usual, the good things in life are not mine to have, but belong to someone else... in this case, MGM and all the others… I just borrow them every now and then :) And I promise to give them back… eventually!
Feedback makes friends!
Author's Notes: Written for the drabble challenge on
Every time is different. Different Thrush agent, different torture. But the one constant seems to be the fire, burning high, licking at the ropes on his wrists as the Thrush agent continues asking questions he keeps getting the same answers to.
A final question and the Thrush agent is turning his back on Illya, fanning the flames and leaving him to suffer.
Surrounded by heat, he can do nothing but struggle. The flames flicker against his skin, burning and bringing him back to reality.
Then there’s cold water sloshing everywhere and extinguishing the flames. Napoleon has come.
“I hate fire.”