TF: Soundwave’s Cat 4: What Do I See?

Apr 23, 2015 17:39

Rating: PG
Series: G1
Summary: Life with Ravage isn’t always easy, despite what the other Decepticons may think.  This is a sample of Soundwave’s struggles being owned by a cat, regardless of its robotic form.
Warnings: Cats being cats.  That might be warning in itself.
Disclaimer: As per usual, the good things in life are not mine to have, but belong to someone else... in this case Hasbro, Takara and IDW and anyone else I’ve forgotten…
Authors Notes: From the tf_bunny_farm here.  May have some similarities to femme4jack’s fic, but I think this is more due to cat behavior than anything else.
Feedback makes friends.  Flames dealt with by the masters of paranoia and fire, Red Alert and Inferno.

When Soundwave returned to his quarters, he found Ravage staring at the wall.
"Ravage?" Ravage didn’t move.  One ear twitched, but that was all the reaction he gave to Soundwave entering the room.  Soundwave tilted his head, staring at the wall, trying to see if there was something there.  Scanning through various light spectrums, he decided that there was nothing there.  He even got down on his hands and knees behind Ravage just to make sure.
“Ravage, there is nothing there.” He intoned, waiting for Ravage to move.  Nothing.  Ravage just kept staring at the wall.  Shaking his head, Soundwave moved to sit on the berth, lying down and attempting to relax.

And relax he certainly did, he realised, as he onlined an hour later.  His systems started up sluggishly, and he automatically gazed around his surroundings.

Only to stop short when he realised that Ravage was still sitting and staring at the wall.

“Ravage…” Retracting his visor and scrubbing his hands over his optics, Soundwave stood up, fully intent on thoroughly checking the wall for whatever it was that had grabbed Ravage’s attention for so long.

As he moved, he caught sight of something out of the corner of his optics.  Kneeling down behind Ravage, he stared at the spot his sensors told him he’d seen it.

“Er… boss?” Rumble stopped in the doorway, unsure as to why both Soundwave and Ravage were staring at the wall.

ravage, soundwave's cat, series, bunnyfarm, soundwave, tf

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