Title: Easter Egg 2014 - 1

Apr 21, 2014 20:05

Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Illya/Napoleon
Summary: Napoleon is intrigued by one comment Illya made during a mission, and is determined to find out more.
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: As per usual, the good things in life are not mine to have, but belong to someone else... in this case, MGM and all the others… I just borrow them every now and then :) And I promise to give them back… eventually!  Feedback makes friends!
Author's Notes:  Written for the 2014 Easter Egg gift exchange on mfuwss.  This is for sheilasmiles.  Sorry I missed the candy, but hopefully it’s sweet enough to make up for that!
Font Used: Irregularis

“So… gymnastics?”
“Yes.” Illya’s tone would have put a stop to the conversation for anyone other than Napoleon Solo.
“So… how flexible are you?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.”
“I would, which was exactly why I asked.”
“Is this your way of propositioning me?”
“Is it working?”

Illya was treated to the view he only thought women got.  The one right before Napoleon came close and swept them off their feet.  As their lips met, Illya understood exactly what it was that kept those women wanting more.  And he wanted more too.  Napoleon pulled back and looked at him.  Gazing into deep brown eyes, Illya realised that he wasn’t falling for Napoleon.  He’d already fallen, he just hadn’t realised it until now.

“Okay, so you are very flexible.”
“I did tell you.”
“Smug Russian.”
“Hedonistic American.”
“Where you’re concerned, definitely.”

illya/napoleon, mfu, gift fic, oneshot

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