TF: Rare-Pairing Halloween Trick ‘o Treat

Oct 23, 2013 18:06

Rating: PG-13
Series: G1
Pairings/Prompt: G1: Sunstreaker/Cliffjumper - trick - the only one left alive on the battlefield
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: As per usual, the good things in life are not mine to have, but belong to someone else... in this case Hasbro, Takara and IDW and anyone else I’ve forgotten…
Authors Notes: I had fun doing the prowlxjazz Anniversary Challenge, if no one else enjoyed reading them. So when tf_rare_pairing announced their October challenge, I thought I might try something similar. Though this is going to be different as I have to write on a daily basis again. But that was fun when I did it before ( both times). So yeah… wish the ever-more-eccentric one luck?  Not overly impressed with myself on this one.
Feedback makes friends. Flames dealt with by the masters of paranoia and fire, Red Alert and Inferno

Sunstreaker stared around him.  After everything… after all that he was… he should be the one lying there.  He did not expect to be the one to survive.  Both of them were loud, brash, overly aggressive and passionate.  Something that described their relationship perfectly.  Well, almost.  It had been mostly kept a secret; both of them keeping it from their brothers.  It should not have ended like this.

He lowered his optics, spark pulsing fitfully at the sight before him.  Cliffjumper’s frame was no longer the vibrant red he cherished.  It was now dull, grey and flaking.  Yet Sunstreaker, famed for his aversion to dust, dirt and any organic material aside from wax, pulled Cliffjumper’s offline frame towards him, cradling it with a gentleness no one would have thought possible.
“I’m sorry.” He murmured.  “It wasn’t supposed to end like this.  You were supposed to survive.  If anything, I was the one who deserved to be deactivated.” He continued apologising to Cliffjumper, words softly, only meant for the minibot to hear.

“Sunny!?” Sideswipe’s voice startled him, and he looked up, clutching Cliffjumper’s frame closer protectively.  Bumblebee stumbled, optics focussed on Cliffjumper’s frame.
“I thought it… I hoped…” He trailed off, dropping to his knees.  Sunstreaker slowly released his grip on Cliffjumper’s frame, lowering it gently to the ground.  Bumblebee shuffled closer, one hand resting on his brother’s helm.
“I’m sorry.” Sideswipe muttered, looking between Sunstreaker and Bumblebee.  Sunstreaker looked at Bumblebee for a long moment.
“So am I.” He met Bumblebee’s optics in a show of understanding.  Bumblebee nodded in understanding, things suddenly falling into place.

rare pairings, sunstreaker/cliffjumper, tf, challenge, trick 'o treat

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