TF: Rescue

Jan 27, 2013 17:01

Rating: PG
Series: G1
Pairings: Inferno/Firestar if you want it to be
Summary: Every mech needs rescuing sometimes.  Even search and rescue mechs.
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: As per usual, the good things in life are not mine to have, but belong to someone else... in this case Hasbro, Takara and IDW and anyone else I’ve forgotten…
Authors Notes: This is for the tf_rare_pairing weekly requests, prompt Firestar/Inferno - Rescue Me.  And yay for original titles?
Feedback makes friends.  Flames dealt with by the masters of paranoia and fire, Red Alert and Inferno.

“Heya, I’m Inferno.” The big red mech grinned at her, holding out his hand in greeting.  Firestar couldn’t stop herself from smiling back at him.
“Firestar.” She gripped his hand, pleasantly surprised when the pressure increased only slightly.  This was a mech that knew his strength.
“This is gonna be great.” Inferno continued.  “I’ve been looking forward ta gettin’ a partner fer ages.”
“Why do they think you need a partner?” Firestar looked up at him, confused as to why such a strong, seemingly capable mech needed help.
“Heh…” Inferno looked a little embarrassed at that.  “Some say I’m a little reckless at times.” He shrugged.  “But I don’t think I am.”
“Ya talk to them, the times they quote me being ‘reckless’ are times when there were mechs in danger an’ the structure weren’t safe.  I went in and got ‘em.  An’ because of that, they think I’m not concerned wit’ safety.”
“But that’s why you went in for them.” Firestar shook her head.  “You were saving them.”
“I know!” Inferno seemed relieved that someone else understood why he’d done what he did.


“They’re a liability!”
“Not true, their save rate is high enough to justify the risks they take.”
“They’re reckless.”
“Reckless they may be, but they save lives.”


“Woo!  That was intense!” Firestar whooped with joy as they returned to the station.
“Yeah.” Inferno grinned.  “Always satisfying to get them all out.”
“Did you see the building fall?  I swear, we’d only just got out when the structure failed.” Inferno nodded, sobering slightly as the rush of having dealt with the dangerous fire and saving lives left him.
“It was almost too close.”
“Ah, you know I’d rescue you if a building collapsed around your audios.” Firestar teased.
“Ppftt, like I’d need rescuing femme.” Inferno laughed it off.


“I got a lifesign reading.” Inferno squinted through the heat and flames pouring from the building.
“Inferno, you can’t honestly be thinking about going in there!” Firestar grabbed his arm.  “Look at the building.” Inferno did; flames leapt from every window, and the structure was already visibly unstable.
“As soon as you open that door, the flames will consume you.”
“Firestar…”Inferno turned to look at her.  “If I don’t try, whoever it is in there is gonna deactivate thinking no one even bothered trying ta save him.”
“And if you deactivate trying to save him, he’s not going to feel any better, is he?” She glared up at him, his stubbornness matched by her determination for him not to deactivate.
“I’m goin’, and that’s that.” He declared, turning towards the building.  Firestar sighed.
“Be careful.” She warned, ready to back him up should he need it.
“I’m always careful.” He shot a grin at her and headed for the door.
“Not always as careful as you could be.” She murmured quietly.  But she knew he would be careful once he’d reached the mech or femme inside.

It didn’t seem long after Inferno had left her side that the building groaned, metal creaking.  Weakened from the flames, it listed to one side.
“Fraggit, hurry up Inferno…” She murmured, anxiously scanning the building.  She could detect Inferno’s lifesigns, but the other lifesign had disappeared.  Watching the movement of the blip indicating Inferno on her scanner was the best she could do to track his movements through the fire-wrecked building.

And then the blip stopped moving.

“Inferno!” Without another thought, she went dashing into the building.

“Stupid fragging obstinate reckless mech.” She muttered to herself as she carefully picked her way through the building, avoiding the worst of the fire and damage.  Switching her optics to a different spectrum so she could actually see through the flames, Firestar made her way over to Inferno’s bulky frame, which was lying eerily still on the ground.
“Inferno?” She crouched down next to him, flashing a quick scan over him, and sighing in relief as his sparkpulse came back strong.  She also picked up the second lifesign that she’d lost, hjdden under Inferno’s frame.
“Oh Inferno…” Voice softened by the realisation, Firestar looked around, trying to work out how she was going to get her partner and the small mechling out of the building.
“Nothing for it, let’s just hope your plating is as resistant as you say it is.” She muttered, pulling out a fire blanket to wrap the mechling in.  Another blanket, which she laid on the floor, rolling Inferno onto it before carefully placing the mechling on top of him.
“All right, here goes nothing.” Grabbing the corners of the blanket, she pulled, Inferno’s frame sliding slowly across the floor.  Little by little, she dragged them towards the nearest exit, on the lookout for any sign of structural failure.


“The medics told me ya saved me.” Inferno’s voice was still a little hoarse, vocaliser damaged from the heat he’d endured.
“You and the mechling.” Firestar nodded.  She was perched on the edge of Inferno’s berth.  Inferno smiled at the memory of finding the small mechling hiding under his berth.
“How is the bitelet?”
“Fine.  Thanks to you.  And me of course.” Firestar patted Inferno’s hand.  “And I’m not going to brag about how you needed rescuing.” She teased.  Inferno made a face and she laughed.
“Thanks fer that.” His voice was sincere.  “Never thought I’d need it, but I did.”
“Everyone needs rescuing at some time.” Firestar tried shrugging off his thanks, but she kept hold of his hand and squeezed gently.  Inferno squeezed back.
“Glad I got ya ta rescue me.”
“Always.” Firestar promised, knowing that Inferno would promise the same.
“Just hope I don’t hafta return the favor.”

inferno/firestar, rare pairings, tf

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