TF: Custom: Universe

May 22, 2012 23:33

Rating: NC-17
Series: Movieverse
Pairings: Jolt/Sideswipe, Jolt/ Ratchet/Sideswipe
Summary: After Egypt, Ratchet makes an interesting discovery during a routine medical.  Which then leads to more interesting discoveries.  And more interesting and arousing resolutions.
Warnings: Sticky, first time. All mechs are over the age of consent on Cybertron.
Disclaimer: As per usual, the good things in life are not mine to have, but belong to someone else... in this case Hasbro, Takara and IDW and anyone else I’ve forgotten…
Authors Notes: Related to Custom ‘verse.  This is femme4jack’s fic for her winning bid in the Rainbow Support auction.  I offered fic of at least 1500 words.  And this certainly qualifies!  Also, I couldn’t help the little nod to my Maelstrom ‘verse.
Feedback makes friends.  Flames dealt with by the masters of paranoia and fire, Red Alert and Inferno.

It had been a routine medical.  Nothing out of the ordinary should have appeared.  After Egypt, he’d made sure that he assessed each and every mech after their repairs.  Which had been when he realised.

How had he missed that?

Jolt shifted uncomfortably on the berth in front of Ratchet.  He hadn’t liked the way the medic had stilled after plugging into his systems.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I… I didn’t want anyone to know.” Jolt hung his head, not daring to meet the medic’s optics.
“Fraggit Jolt, you should not be fighting.  Not at your age.!"
“I’ve reached my majority.” Jolt protested.
“Only recently.” Ratchet pointed out, tapping the cable connecting them.  Jolt squirmed again.
“I didn’t have a choice.  It was either fight or die.” He tried to explain.  “Please, don’t tell Prime.” Ratchet was torn.  On one hand, he should let Prime know that they practically had a youngling in their ranks.  Yet on the other hand, Jolt had proven himself time and time again in battle, indirectly proving that his age had nothing to do with his abilities.
“I can’t believe I’m doing this.” He muttered, mostly to himself.”
“Thank you Ratchet.” Jolt’s thanks was quiet, but meaningful.
“You shouldn’t be thanking me.  I can’t believe that I’m going to keep this a secret.” Ratchet huffed.  “I will be updating your files however.” He gave Jolt a stern look before shaking his head.
“Frag, you are lucky you never got captured by Decepticons.” He muttered.  “I dread to think what they’d do with a mech with his seals intact.” Jolt froze, the implications of what could have happened to him sinking in and disturbing him more than he would care to admit.
“Go on, out of here.” Ratchet impatiently waved in dismissal.


“Ratchet!” Sideswipe rolled into the medbay, turning and sliding to a halt.  Ratchet didn’t even bother looking up.
“What do you want Sideswipe?”
“I know about Jolt.” That made Ratchet look up.  True to his word, he hadn’t said anything to anyone about his discovery.  So how did Sideswipe know?  A quick moments thought provided him with the answer; Sideswipe and Jolt were close, both amongst the youngest of their fighters currently stationed on Earth.  Very close.
“You know…” Ratchet’s voice was flat as he stood up and approached Sideswipe.  He had to give the silver mech credit; he didn’t flinch as Ratchet stopped in front of him, towering over him.
“Yeah… and well… we were wondering ifyoumightteachus.” He mumbled the last words, running them together so that Ratchet had to take a moment to decipher the words.
“Teach you?” Primus, Sideswipe couldn’t be serious, could he?  “On the berth.” He pointed imperiously to the nearest berth, and Sideswipe rolled over without hesitation.  This was not good.

Not good at all.

“So when did you remove your seals?”
“Before the first battle I was in.” Sideswipe shrugged.  He hadn’t thought much of it.  Well, beyond the fact that he shouldn’t be removing them himself.
“It was either that, or risk that if I was captured, they’d be taken from me by force.” Ratchet hated to admit that Sideswipe had a valid point.  The Decepticons would do anything to a captive, up to and including rape.  And it would be far worse if they realised the mech they had in their grasp was untouched.
“So you’re still…?”
“Still effectively sealed.” Sideswipe finished.  “I’ve never done anything.  But I want to.” With Jolt was the unspoken ending to that particular sentence.
“Why me?” Ratchet asked.
“Because you’re the closest thing to an instructor we’ve got here.  Jolt suggested Ironhide…” Sideswipe paused and scoffed.  “You almost might think he’s got a thing for old and grizzled mechs the way he goes on about Ironhide sometimes.” Ratchet interrupted him with a cough.
“So you want this old and grizzled mech to teach the pair of you about interfacing?”
“Please?” For the first time that Ratchet could remember, he could see nothing but truth in Sideswipe’s optics.


“I don’t know how the two of you managed to conceal this for so long, but this will end today.”
“Yes Ratchet.” Jolt nodded.  Beside him, Sideswipe shifted almost eagerly.  Jolt couldn’t understand quite how Sideswipe was so looking forward to this.  To him, it was humiliating.  Sure, he knew about the traditions that had been in place.  But that had been before the war broke out.  Way before the war broke out.  Trust Sideswipe to find such a custom appealing.  It had taken a while for him to understand why they couldn’t have gone to Ironhide for this ‘tuition’.

”Just think Jolt, a medic knows everything about our frames.  Who better to teach us about pleasure?” Sideswipe had said, holding the blue mech close.  Jolt wriggled, uncomfortable with the whole situation; it had been bad enough when Ratchet had found out that he was barely past his majority, let alone when he and Sideswipe had decided to get more serious and he’d had to tell the silver mech.
“I still don’t see…” Sideswipe cut him off by speaking over him.
“Ratchet hasn’t told anyone about you, and won’t tell anyone.  How do you know that Ironhide would do the same?  He might think you’re a sparkling that needs taking care of.”
“I’m not a sparkling!”
“I know that Jolt.  Which is why I want us to do this.” Sideswipe let his voice drop into a huskier range.  “That’s why I want to be able to love you.  To give you the pleasure you deserve.”

It hadn’t taken much more persuading after that.  Jolt was just as keen as Sideswipe to be able to show the silver swordsmech how much he was adored.  Which led to them both sitting on a berth in front of Ratchet, waiting for the medic to teach them.  Somehow, Ratchet had arranged for them all to have a couple of days off (which had sparked alarm bells with Optimus, because Ratchet never willingly took time off).
“Thank you for this, Ratchet.” Jolt murmured, still not quite able to meet the medic’s optics.
“Don’t thank me.  You’ll have to thank Optimus for granting the change in the schedule.  We’ll all be pulling double shifts to make up for it no doubt.”  Jolt froze as Ratchet explained, horrified that Optimus Prime of all mechs knew his age, and therefore that his seals were still intact.
“He knows?”
“Yes.  And although he’s not especially happy about it, there’s not really much he can do about it.” Ratchet tried to reassure Jolt, wondering exactly when he’d gone from battlefield medic to interfacing tutor.  Ah yes, about the time he realised that Jolt was younger than his records stated and that he still had his seals.  Frag him, and frag Sideswipe for approaching him to do this.

Wait… that’s exactly what he would be doing.

“All right.  I’m going to take you through the basics.” Ratchet settled into lecture mode.  He wanted them to know what they were getting into first.  Before actually… getting into it.

“I’m not going to say that having your seal broken isn’t painful, because it is.” Ratchet paused, looking at Sideswipe.  Jolt had stiffened as soon as Ratchet had mentioned the word painful.  It was strange how something like that could faze him, yet heading into battle, outnumbered against Decepticons didn’t.  Sideswipe had rubbed Jolt’s arm, comfortingly, and Ratchet had yet another insight into the relationship between the two of them, and why exactly they’d both wanted teaching.
“It’s not that bad, Jolt.” Sideswipe murmured.  “It’s a sting.  Frag, I bet your whips pack more of a jolt that having your seal broken does.”
“Sideswipe’s right.” Ratchet softened his voice.  “It stings, but if done correctly, you’ll hardly notice it.”
“Trust Ratchet, he knows what he’s talking about.”
“I do.  And believe it or not, I do remember what it was like to be in your position.”
“Did you have an instructor?” Jolt asked, finally gathering up a little bit of courage.
“I did.” Ratchet sat on the berth opposite them.  “Everyone remembers their instructor.  Sometimes, I think if it hadn’t been for the war, I might have considered that as a part time occupation.”
“Really?” Sideswipe leant forward, all his attention focussed on Ratchet now.
“Yes, really.  Despite what you may think, I do know how to have fun.  Now, listen…”


Once Ratchet had finished his clinical explanation, it was time for a little demonstration.
“All right, now, I want you both to get comfortable.  And open your panels” He slipped off the berth he was sitting on, and moved to stand next to the berth Sideswipe and Jolt were on.
“I’m going to show you how to touch each other.” He instructed.
“We know that much.” Sideswipe couldn’t help but scoff and was rewarded with a clip round the back of the helm.
“You might think you know, but I guarantee you, you don’t.” Ratchet was confident in his knowledge.  He waited while Jolt and Sideswipe arranged themselves, Jolt ending up sprawled half across Sideswipe.
“All right.” Trying to keep the smile out of his voice at how intimate they already were, Ratchet continued.  “Now Jolt, trace your hands over Sideswipe’s plating, slowly.” Jolt did so, smoothing his hands up Sideswipe’s chestplating; something they’d done before.  Tactile stimulation was something they could do without being told how to do it.
“Good, now, trace your fingers along the seams of his armor.” Ratchet instructed, watching Sideswipe’s reaction.  His optics flickered in one spot just above his hip plating.  “There, again, same place, Jolt.” Jolt repeated the action and was rewarded with a small moan.
“All right, you’re getting the idea.” Ratchet murmured approvingly as Jolt continued stroking Sideswipe’s armor, lingering over any spots that made the swordsmech moan.
“Part of the fun of interfacing is in giving the pleasure, not just receiving it.  Don’t you agree, Jolt?” Absently running a passive scan over Jolt, Ratchet had noted the elevated temperature indicative of arousal.  Jolt nodded, concentrating on what he was doing.

“Now…” Manoeuvring himself onto the berth behind Jolt (and grateful that he’d opted for oversized berths in the medbay), Ratchet reached round Jolt, grasping the younger mech’s hands.  He drew them lower and lower, pressing them against Sideswipe’s interface array.  Sideswipe gasped, optics flickering offline briefly at the sensations.  Jolt watched, entranced, optics moving between their hands and Sideswipe’s face. 
“Now, see how the spike is starting to extend?” Ratchet murmured, causing Jolt to shiver.
As Ratchet moved their hands to grasp Sideswipe’s emerging spike, Sideswipe squirmed on the berth, as though he was trying to pull away.
“It doesn’t hurt.” Ratchet mock-scolded, wrapping their fingers around Sideswipe’s spike.  The warrior groaned.
“Want you to be first.” Sideswipe managed.  Ratchet’s grip on his spike faltered, and Jolt took the opportunity to move his hand away.
“We want you to be the first.” Jolt repeated.  It was obviously something they’d discussed between them. Ratchet thought for long moments on the merits of it before nodding slowly.
“I’m not going to change your minds, am I?” He asked rhetorically, already knowing the answer.  They both shook their heads.
“Very well, but I’m still teaching you while I’m doing it.  Here…” He indicated for Sideswipe to move, and settled himself at the head of the berth before pulling Sideswipe back against his frame.

“Now you can see exactly what I’m doing, Jolt.” He murmured, running his hands down Sideswipe’s frame.  Jolt curled up between Sideswipe’s spread legs, watching Ratchet’s hands.  They moved lower and lower until Ratchet was grasping Sideswipe’s spike again.  Sideswipe arched up, leaning his head back against Ratchet’s chest.
“Feels good, doesn’t it?” Ratchet asked, squeezing gently and forcing a moan out of Sideswipe.
“What does it feel like?” Jolt asked quietly.
“Good.” Sideswipe moaned, fighting to stay still as Ratchet slowly pumped his spike.  “Feels tight.”
“It will do.” Ratchet murmured.  “Your systems are beginning to gear up for overload.” He increased the tempo of his pumps on Sideswipe’s spike, wringing another moan from him, and a gasp from Jolt.
“Your spike feels good in my hand, Sideswipe.” Ratchet nuzzled against the smaller mech’s audio.  “Bring your hand down, and feel how good it feels.” Sideswipe moved his hand down to his spike, resting it over Ratchet’s.  With a quick move, Ratchet had reversed the position of their hands, grasping Sideswipe’s hand and spike in his.  Sideswipe arched up, held fast by Ratchet’s other arm over his waist.  Jolt’s groan echoed Sideswipe’s, and Ratchet smirked.
“Glad to see you’re both enjoying this.” Ratchet flashed a quick scan over Jolt, noting the increase in temperature since the last scan.  Jolt was definitely enjoying it, and Ratchet knew by the way Sideswipe was writhing against him that the silver mech was certainly enjoying himself.
“Feels like I’m going to explode.” Sideswipe groaned, hand tightening around his spike.
“Perfectly normal.” Ratchet reassured him.  “You won’t explode.  Not literally.” He kept their hands moving over Sideswipe’s spike, focussing on bringing Sideswipe to his first overload.

It didn’t take much longer, and Sideswipe was arching up, letting out a burst of static as he overload, spike spraying transfluid over the berth.  Ratchet let him move, not constricting him as he gave himself over to the pleasure coursing through his systems.  He sagged back against Ratchet, strutless.
“Wow.” Echoed Jolt, swiping a finger through the mess Sideswipe had made.
“Taste it.” Ratchet prompted, watching Jolt and slowly stroking his hands over Sideswipe’s armor.  Jolt lifted his finger to his mouth and stuck out his glossa, lapping a little of the fluid from his finger.
“Tingly.” Was his first response, and Ratchet chuckled.
“Yes, that’s the electrolytes in the transfluid.  They help carry the charge, and when you overload inside a partner, they distribute the charge to your partner, increasing their arousal.” He slicked his hand along the length of Sideswipe’s spike, gathering up some of the fluid that had dribbled down and tasting it for himself.
“Mmmm.  Of course, valve lubricant tastes different.  And the taste always varies slightly from mech to mech.” Ratchet explained further.  Jolt nodded and Sideswipe squirmed at the gentle touches on his plating.  They were maddeningly inflaming so soon after his overload, and judging by the chuckle Ratchet gave, the medic knew that.
“Problem?” He murmured, close to Sideswipe’s audio.
“Not at all.” Sideswipe groaned.  He twisted as Jolt ran his hands up his thighs.
“Ratchet, he’s leaking.” Jolt’s exclamation made Sideswipe jump, and he moved to try and look between his legs.  Ratchet simply laughed.
“He is leaking, yes Jolt.  But it’s quite all right, it’s nothing dangerous.  Quite the opposite in fact.” Sliding his hands under Sideswipe’s thighs, Ratchet lifted and resettled the silver mech, so he was straddling Ratchet’s legs, valve exposed.

“See here…” Ratchet moved his hands down between Sideswipe’s legs, circling the rim of his valve.  “This is his valve.  He’s leaking lubricant, which means his systems are aroused and ready for interfacing.” Carefully, he slipped one finger inside, smirking as Sideswipe let out a hoarse moan.
“Oh frag, that feels so big.” Sideswipe groaned, trying to grind down against Ratchet’s hand.  He gasped as he felt another, smaller hand touch him.  Jolt’s hand wasn’t as confident as Ratchet’s, but knowing it was Jolt’s made it all the more arousing.  Sideswipe tilted his hips, trying to chase the touch.

“Now, slowly push your finger in alongside mine.” Ratchet instructed, the thumb of his other hand rubbing soft, reassuring circles on Sideswipe’s thigh.  Jolt did so, mouth open in a silent gasp as he felt the callipers in Sideswipe’s valve spiralling open to allow his finger entrance before closing around it.
“Feel how the callipers adjusted themselves?” Ratchet asked, getting a nod and a groan from both mechs.  “This is how the valve can easily take different sized spikes.” Ratchet paused, and smiled.  “You could even be spiked by Optimus.” Sideswipe groaned at that, hips twitching, and Jolt watched as a dribble of lubricant slid out of his valve and down the back of his hand.  Ratchet watched Jolt closely having felt the lubricant trickle out and wanting to know what Jolt’s reaction would be.
“Try it.” He suggested, watching as Jolt slowly pulled out his finger, optics flickering at the pressure change.  He brought his hand up to his mouth and licked the lubricant of the back of his hand.
“It’s thicker.”
“It is.” Ratchet agreed.  “It protects the inner workings of the valve, allowing the spike to move smoothly in and out of it.” He moved his finger in and out of Sideswipe’s valve to demonstrate, smirking as Sideswipe flung one arm up around his neck to hold on.
“Oh frag, that’s good.”
“You see, part of the sensation comes from the actual thrusting.” He stopped moving his finger, prompting a whine from Sideswipe.  He started thrusting again with his finger, adding a second one, and earning himself a pleased moan from Sideswipe.  “It stimulates the sensors inside the valve, which in turn stimulates production of the lubricant, which helps the charge from the spike dissipate.”
“Which in turn increases the arousal?” Jolt finished.
“Yes.” “Yes!” Ratchet’s answer was immediate.  Sideswipe’s cry echoed Ratchet, and was distinctly hoarser as he overloaded, slumping back against Ratchet, optics offline.

“That was quicker than I was expecting.” Ratchet observed mildly, petting Sideswipe’s plating.
“He overloaded?” Jolt asked.
“But… there was no spike in his valve.” Jolt sounded confused.
“Overloads don’t necessarily have to involve penetration, Jolt.” Ratchet explained patiently while they waited for Sideswipe to recover.  “They can occur through manual or oral stimulation.”
“Oral?  You mean…”
“Yes, I do mean that.  Many mechs find the act pleasurable, both giving and receiving.” Jolt nodded thoughtfully.
“And before you ask, the fluids have no detrimental effect on your internal systems.” Ratchet added as he watched Jolt.  Between them, Sideswipe stirred, optics onlining as he gave them both a goofy smile.
“Damn, Ratchet.  That was so much better than you said it would be.”
“And that wasn’t even all of it.” Jolt told him excitedly, leaning forward to kiss Sideswipe.  Sideswipe grinned back.
“Your turn.”


Sideswipe had crawled out of Ratchet’s lap after his overloads, but not before turning and kissing the medic.  Ratchet had been surprised initially, but considering that he’d just given Sideswipe his first ever overloads, he relaxed into the kiss.  Sideswipe made a pleased sound, pulling away almost reluctantly and moving to kiss Jolt with just as much fervor.  Ratchet couldn’t deny that his own systems heated just watching them.  Throwing caution to the wind, he let his own panel slid back, spike pressurising almost immediately.  Both younger mechs turned at the hiss of pressurisation.

Sideswipe let go of Jolt, twisting and pushing the other mech towards Ratchet.  The medic captured Jolt easily, tugging him closer to his own frame.  Jolt stiffened initially, but relaxed soon enough.  There was no escaping this now.
“What now?” Sideswipe grinned.
“Now?” Ratchet couldn’t help the smile at Sideswipe’s eagerness.  “Now we have to push Jolt into extending his spike.  That’s the least painful way of breaking that seal.” Sideswipe nodded, evidently remembering breaking his own seal.
“It won’t be that bad Jolt.” He reassured the blue mech, leaning closer and trapping Jolt between his frame and Ratchet’s.  “You saw how much I was enjoying it…” He practically purred, tracing one hand up Jolt’s chestplating.
“Yes.” Jolt nodded, relaxing further as Sideswipe touched him.  He barely flinched as Ratchet’s hands traced up his sides.
“Just concentrate on what you’re feeling.” Ratchet murmured against his audio.  “Don’t worry about anything else, we’ll take care of you.” As though they were working in tandem using some connection, Sideswipe and Ratchet set about systematically arousing Jolt further.

“I can feel something.” Jolt moaned, shifting his hips in Ratchet’s lap, trying to thrust up.
“What can you feel?” Sideswipe asked, leaning closer.
“Pressure.” Jolt answered, gasping as Ratchet’s fingers brushed across his spike seal, expertly testing the give without Jolt realising.
“That means it’s close.” Ratchet murmured.  Sideswipe moved his hand to feel, pushing against the seal.  Jolt arched against Ratchet, letting out another groan.
“Did I hurt you?” Sideswipe pulled back immediately.
“Relax Sideswipe, you didn’t hurt him.  Far from it in fact.” Jolt weakly nodded in agreement.  The sensation of Sideswipe’s finger pushing against his spike seal had been strange, but it had sent a rush of pleasure through him.
“It won’t be long now, Jolt.” Ratchet reassured him, hands stroking down Jolt’s sides once more, lingering on the seams that brought the most responses.  Sideswipe concentrated on his legs, hands smoothing up the insides of Jolt’s legs, stopping just shy of his pelvic plating.  Over and over, they stroked, teasing him, caressing him, and all the while the pressure built.

Until it was too much to take, and Jolt thought something would give.  And it did.

“Oh frag.!” Jolt bit out the curse as his spike extended, ripping through the seal.
“There…” Ratchet crooned, smoothing his hand over Jolt’s chest plating.  “That wasn’t too bad, was it?” Jolt shook his head, twitching as his spike reacted to being out.  He could feel the gentle draught from the poorly fitting medbay door breezing over it.
“Is it always this sensitive?” He gasped, moaning as Sideswipe’s hand snaked out to stroke up his spike.  He bucked up into the touch and Ratchet moved his hands down to stop him from moving too much.
“At first, yes.” Ratchet nodded.  “But as you get more used to the sensations, the sensitivity lessens.  Not so that you can’t feel anything, just that you can have your spike extended without the risk of overload.” Jolt shivered as Sideswipe’s hand grasped his spike, squeezing gently.
“Now, it’ll be easier for me to break your valve seal while you’re overloading.” Ratchet murmured.  “Sideswipe can help with that, can’t you Sideswipe?” The silver mech looked up at Ratchet, optics still bright from his own overloads.
“Yes.” He purred, brushing up Jolt’s spike again.  Ratchet smiled, shifting Jolt so he was resting above his own spike.
“All right, now, Sideswipe’s going to tease you, just like I did to him, and bring you to overload.” Jolt nodded, helping Ratchet to support himself.  “And when you overload, I’m going to enter you, breaking your seal, understand?” Jolt nodded again, a nervous tremble running across his plating.
“It’s going to be fine.” Sideswipe reassured him, leaning forward and kissing him.  Jolt moaned, relaxing against Ratchet as best he could.  From the lecture Ratchet had given them earlier, he already knew he was aroused - more so than he had been just watching Sideswipe.  He could feel lubricant behind his valve seal, and from the hands-on demonstration with Sideswipe, he knew that his valve callipers would automatically adjust, but he still felt nervous.
“It really will be all right.” Ratchet reassured confidently, nuzzling against his helm.  “Don’t think about it, just let yourself feel.” He repeated his earlier advice and Jolt nodded.

Sideswipe smiled at Ratchet and slowly started moving his hand up and down Jolt’s spike.  Jolt moaned, arching up and gripping Ratchet’s forearms tightly.
“That’s it.” Ratchet encouraged both of them; Sideswipe to touch and explore, Jolt to relax and enjoy.  And they did.  When Sideswipe’s mouth closed around the tip of his spike, Jolt thought his world was going to end.  He let out an incoherent cry, and overloaded, electricity racing across his frame.  Ratchet thrust up, piercing his seal as he overloaded, the pleasure overriding the slight pain as the seal tore and Ratchet’s spike seated itself in his valve.

When Jolt onlined his optics, it was to the sight of a smug Sideswipe.  A smug Sideswipe covered in transfluid.  He’d pulled away when Jolt had cried out, worried again that he’d done the wrong thing.  As Jolt onlined his optics, he relaxed, giving Jolt a very satisfied smiled.
“You overloaded.”
“Yeah…” Jolt really didn’t feel up to much conversation.  His struts felt like they’d melted, and he wondered if that was a good thing or a bad thing.  Eventually, he settled on good thing, because if it was bad, surely Ratchet would have him on a berth and be repairing him?

Speaking of Ratchet… The medic was spike deep in his valve, Jolt could feel him.  Feel the way his spike stretched his callipers
“See, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” Ratchet murmured against his audio, voice hoarse with restrained pleasure.
“No.” Jolt shook his head.  He’d barely felt his seal break, far more focussed on the spike overload he’d achieved and the pleasure rushing through him from that.  Now however, all he could focus on was the feel of Ratchet’s spike.
“What does it feel like?” Sideswipe asked, coming closer and pressing his hand to where they were joined.
“Good.” Jolt managed.  “Feel full.” Behind him, Ratchet preened a little, plating flaring as he tried to cool his own systems.  Jolt gasped as even that small movement moved Ratchet’s spike in his valve.
“Like?” Ratchet asked, deliberately rolling his hips.
“Yes!” Jolt cried out his answer, hands tightening on Ratchet’s arms.
“Good.” Ratchet continued thrusting up gently.  Sideswipe watched, enthralled, hand still resting on Jolt’s valve, feeling the slide of Ratchet’s spike in and out.
“Tell me how it feels?” He whispered.
“Like I’m floating.” Jolt murmured, optics flickering offline.  “Like all my sensors are focussed on my valve.” Behind him, Ratchet groaned, thrusting up a little harder.
“Oh frag… it feels like… like there’s heat here.” He moved one hand to place over his pelvic armor, above his spike.  “It feels like it’s spreading out through all my systems.” He twisted on Ratchet’s lap, grinding his hips against the older mech’s.  Sideswipe put his hand over Jolt’s, as though he could feel the warmth for himself.
“That’s how it felt for me.” Sideswipe nodded.  “It felt like I was burning from the inside out.”
“That’s your systems preparing for overload.” Ratchet gasped out, sounding distinctly like he was close.
“Let it happen.” Sideswipe urged.  “You won’t regret it.” Ratchet nodded his agreement, hands gripping Jolt’s hips to give himself a bit more leverage.
“I… oh, it feels…” Jolt shifted, pushing himself down against Ratchet’s hips as the medic thrust up.  He overloaded, mouth open in a silent scream of pleasure.  Ratchet wasn’t silent.  He growled as Jolt’s valve clamped around his spike, callipers working to draw his overload from him.  He pulled Jolt down against him as he thrust up one last time, overloading and spilling his transfluid inside Jolt.  Sideswipe whimpered as the energy crackled across their plating.

Ratchet looked at Sideswipe, quicker to recover after his overload than Jolt.
“Charged up?” He asked, already knowing the answer.  He could see it in the other mech’s body language, feel it in the flux of his EM field.
“Yes.” Sideswipe nodded, leaning closer to kiss Ratchet.  Between them, Jolt stirred sleepily, looking up to see Sideswipe and Ratchet kissing.
“Hot.” He wriggled, letting out a moan at the feel of Ratchet’s spike still in his valve.  And still very much pressurised.  Sideswipe pulled back, worrying that he was overheating Jolt, only to see the look of lust on his lover’s face.  Jolt tugged Sideswipe down to claim a kiss of his own.
“I think we should thank Ratchet for teaching us.” He whispered.
“Yeah.” Sideswipe glanced up at Ratchet, and the medic felt a sudden sense of foreboding. “We should show him how much we’ve learnt.” Ratchet had enough time to widen his optics as he understood their meaning before he found himself flat on his back on the berth, straddled by two young, amorous mechs.

All in all, it wasn’t a bad position to be in.

femme4jack is all right with me sharing this publicly.  This is the fic I wrote for her winning bid in the Rainbow Support auction

maelstrom 'verse, jolt/sideswipe, sticky, ratchet, gift fic, smut, custom 'verse, challenge

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