TF: Stress Relief

Nov 02, 2011 12:17

Rating: PG-13
Series: Movieverse
Pairings: Ratchet/Jolt
Summary: Every mech has a different form of stress relief, a different way of relieving their frustrations.
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: As per usual, the good things in life are not mine to have, but belong to someone else... in this case Hasbro, Takara and IDW and anyone else I’ve forgotten…
Authors Notes: For the tf_rare_pairing weekly prompt (Resurrection Sunday) - Ratchet/Jolt - stress relief.  I don’t know who it is who created the fanon idea of Jolt the horticulturist, but it’s adorable, and I’ve snagged it for this briefly.
Feedback makes friends.  Flames dealt with by the masters of paranoia and fire, Red Alert and Inferno.

Mechs took out their frustrations in different ways.  Ironhide went down to the newly constructed training range and deconstructed it.  Sideswipe sparred with anyone who was willing, and even those who weren’t.  Optimus retired to his office and… well, no one knew quite what he did.

Jolt had created himself a little garden, and whenever things got too much for the young scout, he disappeared off to tend to his plants.

Ratchet… well, Ratchet was always stressed, so most mechs figured he didn’t have any form of stress relief.

Jolt groaned as he limped towards the medbay.  He’d been convinced by Sideswipe to spar, and it turned out that Sideswipe had a lot of frustration to work out.  Which meant that he now had a lot of dents to work out.  Which meant that Ratchet wouldn’t be happy.
“What now?” Ratchet turned as soon as Jolt stepped through the door.  His face fell as he took in the many dents on Jolt’s frame.
“Sideswipe’s stressed is he?” He growled, motioning Jolt to a berth.
“How did you guess?” Jolt grumbled, hoisting himself up on the berth and wincing as some of his damaged plating caught wires beneath.
“Didn’t manage to hide, eh?” Jolt shook his head.
“It was Ironhide’s fault.  Said that I needed more experience in hand to hand combat.” Now it was Ratchet’s turn to shake his head.
“Only Ironhide would say something like that.”
“But it’s true.  I am more of a ranged fighter.” Jolt tried to defend Ironhide.
“Don’t defend him.” Ratchet admonished.  “He probably knew Sideswipe was looking for a fight.”
“But nothing.  He should have had the ball bearings to go up against Sideswipe himself.  Primus knows he could have taken the damage more easily than you.” Ratchet had no doubt that Sideswipe didn’t have quite so much damage.  Jolt shrugged, not knowing quite what to say.  Nothing more was said as Ratchet got to work hammering out the dents in Jolt’s plating.

“Am I going to be expecting Sideswipe in with burn marks?” Ratchet asked as he replaced the last plate of armor he’d fixed.
“Probably not for a while.” Jolt thought about it.  “I only scored a few hits with the whips before he came in too close for me to use them.”
“Never thinks to get repaired as soon as he can.  Now, if Sunstreaker were here…”
“Just means we’ve got a bit of time…” Jolt stretched on the berth, showing off his frame.
“Tease.” Ratchet grumbled.  But he still put away his tools.  And locked the medbay doors.

Stress relief came in many different forms.  It just so happened that Ratchet’s form of stress relief required another mech.  And Jolt was more than happy to oblige.

jolt, ratchet, rare pairings, tf

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