TF: Shiny

Oct 03, 2011 18:10

Rating: PG
Series: G1
Pairings: Sideswipe/Ratchet/Sunstreaker
Summary: Sideswipe pranks.  Ratchet fumes.  Sunstreaker appreciates.
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: As per usual, the good things in life are not mine to have, but belong to someone else... in this case Hasbro, Takara and IDW and anyone else I’ve forgotten…
Authors Notes: Written for the twins_x_ratch October Challenge, Week 1.  Prompt was Glitter.
Feedback makes friends.  Flames dealt with by the masters of paranoia and fire, Red Alert and Inferno.
“Glitter.” Ratchet’s voice was flat as he regarded Sideswipe.  The red mech was sitting on a berth, Sunstreaker lingering close by.  As always.  Could never separate them, and Ratchet mused fondly that he wouldn’t want to.  That thought was brief however as Sideswipe drew his attention back to the matter at hand.
“Glitter.” Ratchet repeated, shaking his head.  He turned to pick up a scanner, but already he knew he wouldn’t find anything amiss with Sideswipe’s systems.  Save for the covering of glitter on the red paint.
“Yup.  Glitter.  Looks good, doesn’t it?” Sideswipe was irrepressibly cheerful, and Ratchet wasn’t sure whether to be worried or very very afraid.  Sunstreaker wore his usual frown and just watched Ratchet working.
“Looks good…” Ratchet parroted, staring at his lover as though he’d lost his mind.  Which of course, with Sideswipe, was par for the course.  “Glitter is not good.  Do you have any idea what would happen if that got into your filters and vents?  I’d be flushing you out for weeks.”
“You can flush me out any time you want, Ratch’.” Sideswipe leered.  Covered in glitter from head to toe and he still managed to leer.  Ratchet pinched the bridge of his nose in an altogether too human gesture of frustration.  He could just about hear Sunstreaker’s groan.

“Sideswipe.  I don’t think you understand how serious this could be.”
“It’s only glitter.”
“Do I even want to know how you got covered in it?”
“Heh, probably not.” Ratchet sighed.  That meant it was during a prank.  He shot a glance at Sunstreaker, but the golden mech just stared back.  That meant they were both in on it.  Great.
“I’m going to be having more ‘bots coming in covered in glitter, aren’t I?”
“Depends how many mechs need to go to the wash racks.” Ratchet groaned.
“I am going to deactivate you slowly and painfully.”
“No you’re not; you love me too much to do that.  Besides, it was Sunny’s idea.”  That got a reaction out of Sunstreaker, who stiffened as Ratchet’s gaze flicked to him.

“It was, was it?” Sunstreaker tipped his chin up defiantly.  Well, as defiantly as one could when face with an annoyed lover who happened to be the medic and know all your systems inside and out, both professionally and personally.
“You did say you wanted to see everyone brighten up.  Well, now they’re going to be sparkling.” Ratchet groaned.
“I swear to Primus, sometimes I don’t know why I put up with you.”
“Because you love us.” Sideswipe pointed out, hopping down off the berth to pull Ratchet into a hug.
“You’re lucky I do.” Ratchet muttered, leaning against Sideswipe.  Sunstreaker, not to be left out, moved to join his lover and brother, pulling Ratchet into his arms.  Sideswipe let him go gracefully.
“Don’t think this means I’m defending you against everyone.” Ratchet straightened, carefully extracting himself from Sunstreaker’s embrace.  “Or that you get away with not washing every bit of glitter off your frame and the washracks…” He paused, before continuing, cutting off Sideswipe’s retort and leaving him standing there open-mouthed.  “Both of you.”
“Get yourselves cleaned up and out of my medbay.” He growled.  He was annoyed, but not enough that he couldn’t see the prank for what it was; a way of lightening everyone’s spirits.  That didn’t mean he had to like the results.  He could already feel a processor ache coming on from having to deal with the fallout.
“Yes sir!” Sideswipe snapped a cheeky salute and sauntered out of the medbay.  Sunstreaker lingered just long enough to watch Ratchet head into his office, white plating glittering under the lights.
“Shiny.” He murmured before he headed after Sideswipe.

ratchet/sideswipe/sunstreaker, tf, oneshot, challenge

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