TF: In From the Cold

Aug 08, 2011 12:41

Rating: PG-13
Series: G1
Pairings: Optimus Prime/Ratchet, hints of Smokescreen/Wheeljack
Summary: A night spent away from the Ark has surprising results
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: As per usual, the good things in life are not mine to have, but belong to someone else... in this case Hasbro, Takara and IDW and anyone else I’ve forgotten…
Authors Notes: This is for the competition_fun  Arctic Entrapment challenge.  This placed joint second!
Feedback makes friends.  Flames dealt with by the masters of paranoia and fire, Red Alert and Inferno.

“Well, it wasn’t as if I was expecting to spend a long time away from the base.” Ratchet snapped at Optimus, who just held his hands up in surrender.
“I was merely enquiring.” He tried, giving up at the glare that got him “All right, it’s not as if I expected to be out this long either.” Optimus shook his head; he was just annoyed as Ratchet at being kept away from the base.  Especially in this cold weather.  He was just grateful they’d managed to find a cave formation large enough to shelter them.  They would have to wait out the sudden snowstorm that descended, as it was far too treacherous to navigate the mountain terrain, even with their advanced sensors.

Ratchet huffed and dug around in his subspace for something that they could use to keep the bitter cold out of their systems.  He hated being away from the base, hated not having enough supplies on him, hated not being in his medbay.  In his spark, he knew that First Aid was more than capable of running the medbay, and that Wheeljack and Hoist and Perceptor were there to help out.  But that didn’t mean he had to like leaving his medbay in someone else’s hands.

“There.” He pulled out a thermal blanket.  “That’s all I’ve got.  If I’d have known there was going to be a snowstorm, I would have packed something better.”
“If I’d have known there was going to be a snowstorm, I doubt we would have tried making the return journey.” Optimus pointed out, trying to stop his plating from shivering.  Temperature extremes was something they were not used to on Cybertron, and even after years on the planet, they were still not entirely used to the temperature fluctuations.  Too high a temperature, and energon became sluggish, slowing down their movements and processing functions.  Too cold a temperature and circuit boards and sensors began to freeze.  Both resulted in pain.

“Here…” Ratchet lay the blanket over Optimus, tucking the corners in against his frame.  It just covered him, but left no room for Ratchet.
“But what about you?”
“I’m fine.” Ratchet shrugged, the medic in him more concerned with making sure that Optimus was fine.  Besides, it was bad enough being this close to Optimus.  He’d harbored a ‘crush’ on his leader since practically the day they’d met, but had never done anything about it, convincing himself that it would be impractical and against a multitude of regulations.  Not that he cared that much for regulations, but still.

Most of the time, he was able to control himself, rarely spending much time alone with Optimus.  He always tried to make sure that someone else was around.  Surprisingly, being alone with Optimus made him incredibly tongue-tied, his processor unable to construct any meaningful sentences.  So in some ways, being stuck in this cave was simultaneously the worst and the best thing that could have happened to Ratchet.

Optimus of course, was oblivious to Ratchet’s feelings.  Or so Ratchet thought.  What he didn’t know was that Optimus felt much the same, albeit possibly to a lesser degree, but he still liked Ratchet far more than his processor told him he should.  Yet he couldn’t deny his spark.  Since they’d landed on Earth all those years ago, he’d almost given up hope of being reunited with Elita-One.  Faced with the facts that he was likely with the last remaining Autobots, he’d realised that he couldn’t give up on love itself.  Especially not with mechs like Ratchet in his ranks.  Then, Megatron constructed the space bridge to Cybertron, and he was reunited with Elita-One.  But time had changed her - not for the worse, but she’d spent four million years being independent and fighting off the remaining Decepticon forces.  Things had changed between them, and their relationship was no longer the same as it had been before they’d crashed on Earth.  They’d parted amicably, agreeing that it was no longer going to work.  Yet that didn’t mean they didn’t care for one another, and Elita had persisted in asking if there was anyone in his crew that he cared for.  Each time, he changed the subject, avoiding answering, and each time making Elita grin and laugh and say that there must be someone who’d caught his optic if he was reacting like that!

“Ratchet, come on, you’re going to get cold.” Optimus held the blanket away from his frame, indicating that Ratchet should join him.  If they had been in any other situation, Ratchet would have viewed it as a blatant come-on.  And he’d been the subject of enough of those to recognise it.
“I…” He faltered.  What could he say?  That he didn’t want to?  He was already getting warnings about his internal temperature dropping.  Yet the thought of being so close to Optimus made his engine give an almost traitorous rev.
“You won’t keep warm like that.” Optimus murmured.  Ratchet huffed.
“You won’t let me alone unless I agree, will you?”
“No.” Optimus’ answer was short, but there were so many more things he wanted to say to convince Ratchet.  That the Autobots couldn’t afford to have their medic freeze his diodes off.  That as his leader, he could order Ratchet to share the blanket.  That he didn’t want to lose Ratchet.  But he didn’t say any of those, because he didn’t trust himself not to reveal more than he wanted.

He wasn’t sure of Ratchet’s views on relationships.  Ever since he’d known the mech, Ratchet had been… well, free and easy with high-grade and interfacing.  He liked a good party, and he liked it even better if he could end the night with a good interface, with no strings attached.  Of course, that had all but stopped since they’d landed on Earth.  High-grade wasn’t in abundance anymore (despite Sideswipe’s and Wheeljack’s efforts), and there wasn’t always the time to throw parties (despite Jazz and Blaster’s efforts).  He knew there were mechs that had gotten together since their time on Earth - the rumor mill was far smaller, so things were broadcast far quicker.  But he hadn’t heard anything about Ratchet.  At least, nothing concrete.

Ratchet settled down next to Optimus, allowing the larger mech to arrange the blanket across them.  Or attempt to.
“This isn’t going to work.” Optimus said.  “The blanket’s too small.”
“So we alternate.” Ratchet suggested.  Steeling his nerve, Optimus shook his head.
“I’ve got a better idea.” As he spoke, he let the blanket go and grasped Ratchet’s arm, tugging the medic into his lap.  Ratchet made a small surprised squeak as he was moved, and stiffened when he realised where he was.
“My apologies, but this seemed the most obvious answer.” Optimus voice sounded close to his audio, and Ratchet couldn’t hold back his shiver.  He’d always loved the sound of Optimus’ voice; that deep, rich timbre seemed to shoot straight through his circuits and make his spark throb.
“Yes.” Ratchet wasn’t entirely sure if he was agreeing, or indeed, what he could be agreeing to.  He let his head fall back to rest on Optimus’ shoulder.

Relieved that Ratchet wasn’t going to protest, Optimus settled the blanket around them both and wrapped his arms around the medic.  The solid weight of Ratchet felt good against his plating.  They stayed like that for what felt like ages, both unknowingly taking comfort from one another, before Ratchet pulled away, scrambling off Optimus.
“I can’t do this.” His vents hitched as he stared back at Optimus, having put as much space between them as was possible in the small cave.
“Can’t do what?” Optimus looked concerned.
“This.” Ratchet waved his hand between them.  “I can’t be this close to you.”
“This close… why not?” Optimus was confused, part of him reading more into Ratchet’s words.  “Ratchet?” He prompted when the medic seemed like he wouldn’t continue.

Ratchet slumped against the opposite wall, looking anywhere but at Optimus.
“I like you.” He muttered.  There, he’d admitted it.  Now it was up to Optimus to apologise, but he didn’t view the medic the same way, and couldn’t they just stay friends?

He wasn’t expecting Optimus to laugh.

“What’s so fragging funny?” He growled.
“You.  Me.  Us.” Optimus finally managed in between chuckles.
“What?” Optimus shook his head, motioning for Ratchet to come back.  Ratchet stayed where he was.
“Optimus, just what are you laughing at?”
“How oblivious we both are.” Optimus sobered, standing and throwing off the thermal blanket in one move and crossing to stand in front of Ratchet.  “I like you too.” He admitted, retracting his battlemask.

Ratchet’s mouth opened in a combination of shock and surprise.  That certainly hadn’t been what he’d been expecting Optimus to say.
“Oh…” He could see why Optimus found it funny now; that the pair of them had been hiding their feelings from one another.  Until now.
“So what do we do now?” He asked quietly.
“For now?  I suggest we get back under that blanket before we both freeze.” Optimus suggested.  “And then perhaps we can talk.”


So they talked.  For most of the night in fact.  They were completely honest with one another, telling each other exactly how they felt, exactly what they were hoping for.  And all while snuggled together under the thermal blanket.


Morning found them both recharging; Ratchet securely held in Optimus’ lap, his arms resting on Optimus’.  Ratchet onlined first, and he spent a brief moment panicking, because he couldn’t remember exactly what had happened.  As his memories loaded, he calmed down, enjoying the feel of being wrapped in Optimus’ arms.  Last night had been a revelation; he hadn’t thought for one moment that Optimus might feel the same way.  And to find out that he did?  Well, it made his spark pulse that little bit faster.

Yet he still couldn’t help freezing as he heard Optimus’ systems cycle out of recharge.
“Mmmm…” Optimus groaned, tightening his grip on Ratchet as he fought against onlining.  Ratchet couldn’t help but smile, even though he agreed with the sentiment.  He was comfortable and warm, which after last night, he wasn’t sure they would be.
“Morning, sleepyhead.” He leant his head back and pressed a small kiss to Optimus’ neck cables.  Optimus onlined his optics as soon as he felt that gentle pressure against his neck.
“I think I could get used to waking up like this.”
“We are not sleeping in a cave every night!”
“Well of course not, I do have a perfectly usable berth.”
“As do I.” Ratchet countered.
“So we alternate.” Ratchet smiled as Optimus threw back his words from the previous night.
“We can do this, can’t we?” He asked quietly, doubt creeping back into his processor.
“We can.  And we will.” Optimus retracted his mask, tipping Ratchet’s face to meet his and kissing him.  Ratchet twisted around, responding eagerly to the kiss.

“I can’t promise you it’s going to be easy, Ratchet, but we can do this.” Optimus was serious.  He’d been given an opportunity he thought he would never get, and he was determined to make the most of it.
“The difficult bit is going to be when everyone finds out.” Ratchet mused thoughtfully.  He knew of his own reputation, and the fact that he was effectively ‘settling down’ with their leader would come as a shock to… well, practically everyone.
“Which will be in a few hours I expect.” Optimus answered.  “The weather should have cleared enough for us to continue our journey.” Ratchet nodded, reluctantly pulling away from Optimus and standing up.  They both stood and stretched, and Ratchet folded up the thermal blanket while Optimus tried to reach the Ark.  Communications last night had been affected by the weather, so they hadn’t been sure whether their message about having to pause their journey had been received.  Optimus didn’t want anyone to worry unnecessarily.

Outside, the air was eerily still.  Transforming, they made their way back towards the Ark, side by side and driving as close as they could.  Their conversation ranged from the mundane, to bets on who would be the most shocked.  And who wouldn’t be shocked.

Within a few hours, they were in sight of the Ark, and very grateful for that fact.  A crowd had gathered outside, as though welcoming them home, though Ratchet suggested they had an ulterior motive, and Optimus couldn’t help but agree with him.

It was no surprise that Prowl was the first to step forward and greet them once they’d rolled to a stop and transformed.
“Welcome back Optimus.” There was no missing the mischievous twinkle in the tactician’s optics.  “I trust your night was uneventful?”
“As uneventful as spending a night in a cave with one thermal blanket can be.” Ratchet retorted, pushing past and heading into the Ark.  Scattered laughter and a few lewd comments followed him.  Optimus shook his head; it seemed like the rumor mill had begun without them.  He apologised to Prowl for Ratchet and followed the medic inside.  Slowly, the small crowd disappeared, either to return to duty, or the rec room for more gossip and idle speculation.

“You owe me.”
“I don’t owe you anything.”
“I told you they would get together.”
“So you did.”
“So, pay up.”
“You didn’t make an official bet.”
“Smokescreen…” Wheeljack’s voice turned sickly sweet.
“How about I make it up to you?  Personally?”
“I can settle for that.”


It was, he decided, the best place to wake up.  Safe and secure and warm.  Nestled in Optimus’ arms, Ratchet just took a moment to reflect on everything before he nudged Optimus awake.
“Hnnnn…” Fighting against staying in recharge, Optimus onlined slowly.
“Morning sleepyhead.” Ratchet smiled, propping himself up and leaning over to kiss Optimus.
“Mmmmm… we don’t have to get up right now, do we?” Optimus asked hopefully, static clearing from his vocaliser as it powered up fully.
“Not quite yet, no.” Ratchet grinned.  “I thought we could snuggle for a little longer.” He pulled the thermal blanket from subspace and covered the both of them.  “Besides, I’ve given us both the next week off to stabilise the bond.”
“I like that idea.”
“I still prefer your idea.”
“About the blanket?”
“Best idea I’ve ever had.”

ratchet/optimus prime, ratchet, optimus prime, tf, challenge

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