TF: Frame Need

Aug 03, 2011 16:59

Rating: PG
Series: G1
Summary: Prowl has a dilemma.  And Springer is the only one who can help.
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: As per usual, the good things in life are not mine to have, but belong to someone else... in this case Hasbro, Takara and IDW and anyone else I’ve forgotten…
Authors Notes: For the tf_speedwriting  Saturday 30th July - prompt - Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. (Modified from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.)  And if you can spot my homage to my favorite film (point out the line and name the film), I’ll write you a little ficlet of your choice (G1/Movieverse).
Feedback makes friends.  Flames dealt with by the masters of paranoia and fire, Red Alert and Inferno.
Prompt: 2
Time: Just under two hours - because I was holding the pub quiz while I was writing this!

It wasn’t that he minded being transferred into a different frame.  It wasn’t that he minded that Ratchet wouldn’t be able to fabricate him a new frame for several weeks.  He even didn’t mind that he would be taken off most of his duties until that time.

What he did mind was that Springer was the one helping him acclimatise to his new frame.


“Right, you know the basics…”
“Of course I do.” Prowl couldn’t help but snap.  It had been a week since his unplanned reformatting, and he found himself getting irritated with every little thing.  So much so that Ratchet had called Springer in from another base to help.
“Flying is just learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.” Springer grinned, stepping back and circling Prowl, taking in the wings, pulled high and tight, showing how irritated Prowl was.
“You would say that.”
“Look, the sooner we get through the basics and get you up in the sky, the better you’ll feel.” Prowl huffed.  “Prowl, like it or not, you’re a flight framed mech now.  The need to fly is inbuilt.  It doesn’t matter that you were ground bound.  You need to fly.”
“Don’t you think I’ve realised that?” Prowl growled, wings shivering with pent-up emotion.  Really, they were far more expressive than his doorwings ever were.
“Now you know how important it is for fliers to fly.”
“You’re still holding that grudge?”
“You locked me in the brig for three days!”
“You deserved it!”
“Did not.”
“Did too.” Springer snorted.
“Okay, now I know it’s gotten to you if you’re acting like this.” Prowl grimaced, realising how childish he’d just been.
“Well then, let’s get this over with.” Springer just grinned again, sweeping a hand in front of him, gesturing for Prowl to lead the way.  Which Prowl did, stalking out of the room and down the corridor, wings flared out angrily behind him.


They made their way to the top of the towers, the city stretched out beneath them.  Prowl rarely came up this high.  Rarely left his office if you listened to base rumors.  Lights flickered, shining onto the streets, and even though they should have been switched off, Prowl couldn’t find it in his spark to complain.
“It’s beautiful.” He whispered, awestruck.
“You wait until you’re flying above it.” Springer transformed, hovering above the roof while he waited for Prowl.  Prowl didn’t move, staring at the city beneath them.  Groaning, Springer transformed and landed next to him.
“No.” Prowl’s response was immediate.
“Look, you need to fly, and you can either transform or jump over the edge.”
“I’d prefer it if you’d just give me a firm push.” Prowl muttered.  Springer shook his head.
“All right.” Without another word, he pushed Prowl hard between the wings, sending him flailing over the edge.

Before frame protocol and coding kicked in and he automatically transformed, thrusters powering up and steering him back towards the sky.  He circled around and let out a most un-Prowl-like whoop.  Laughing, Springer transformed, joining him in the sky.
“You’re a natural.” He complimented, watching the way Prowl swooped and soared through the sky.  He could admit that he was jealous of Prowl’s winged form; his own bladed form not nearly as graceful in the air.
“It feels wonderful.” Prowl’s voice was quiet and full of emotion.
“Now you know why we need to fly.”
“I do.”

prowl, springer, speedwriting, tf

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