TF: Hunt

Jun 07, 2011 14:05

Rating: PG-13
Series: G1
Pairings: Soundwave/Red Alert
Summary: It’s a chase to keep the information out of the enemy’s hands.
Warnings: Forced hacking
Disclaimer: As per usual, the good things in life are not mine to have, but belong to someone else... in this case Hasbro, Takara and IDW and anyone else I’ve forgotten…
Authors Notes: For the tf_rare_pairing  June Challenge prompt - Questing for truth.  I tried a different style for this one, and I'm not sure whether it works or not, but I like it.
Feedback makes friends.  Flames dealt with by the masters of paranoia and fire, Red Alert and Inferno.

I can feel him.  He’s here.  I might not be able to see him yet, but I can feel him.  Running through the corridors, I lock doors after me, encoding them with indecipherable ciphers in the hope that he won’t be able to break them.  Yet, I know he’s close behind me.  I can almost hear him, chasing me down.  I lead him away from the areas he wants to go to, rerouting him and forcing him to go different ways.  Anything to stop him getting where he wants to go.

He leads me on a wild chase, struggling to stop me from getting to the places I want to go.  Codes and locks are no barrier to me.  I can pick the locks and decipher the codes, they only hold me up momentarily.  I will find what I am after.  There are only so many places he can hide it, and I will find it.

I’m running out of places to go.  Anything I try to do to slow him down doesn’t work.  I’m getting tired of this, and I don’t know how much longer I can do this.  Closing and locking another door, I realise that I’m getting cornered.  There’s no place left for me to run.

He has no place left to run now.  He has run out of energy, and I will find out the truth.  I will find out what I need to know.

Red Alert’s body jerked as Soundwave broke through his final line of defenses and found the codes he was after.
“Quest, successful.” He said, withdrawing from Red Alert’s processors and disconnecting his cables.

red alert, rare pairings, soundwave, tf, challenge

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