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Health: I booked a one-hour massage tonight at the
school by my house and good lord, I needed that. The girl said I had such huge knots in my back muscles that it was a wonder I wasn't in pain all day. Sometimes, but mostly just in the morning. I notice they also offer yoga sessions which would be good to get back into since I'm terrible at being self-disciplined.
Dogs: Megan & Muddy are doing really well for the short amount of time we've had them. We chose wisely. This morning when I let them in before I left for work they both proceeded down the stairs and into their respective crates side by side like a couple of figure skaters. Mama was so proud! Eventually I'd like to let them have the run of the house but we're not there yet. For now it's just good that they know the routine. This past Sunday we guiltily skipped volunteer work in favor of taking our dogs to Memorial Park in continuous attempt to properly socialize Megan. She only reacted negatively to one dog so there's hope for her yet.
Work: Has been busy between the return of the students, the big long-term technology plan we're working on, the massive weeding/backshelving project I've undertaken and all the work-related meetings/social events leaving me little time for personal email or (gasp!) writing in lj.
Music: About a month ago, Greg sent me an email with the subject heading "Must be a Door in the back of my Head" which has now become a source of entertainment. Since his titles are usually pretty straightforward (ie: "Hello", "It's hot out", or "Friday afternoon") I googled the phrase and sure enough, it was a Dandy Warhols lyric from the song "Solid" which I then used as the subject of my reply. That was the night he left a message on my cell saying how cool it was that I was the only person who got his musical references. Of course, it came out later that I hadn't actually ever heard the song thereby shattering the illusion. Oops. This is why he was so determined to burn me a disc on Saturday and not having internet access at home, emailed me at 8:12am Monday morning from work to ask if I had listened to it yet. I hadn't. Ooops, again. I've since rectified my mistake and the song is indeed awesome. When I gave him a 34-song Bowie compilation a while back, he said he listened to it for days straight. I think we should having matching t-shirts made that say "A Good Friend is Someone Who Will Listen to Your Music" with those stupid arrows pointing at each other. Still, I wonder if there's any significance to the song itself. Pondering these kinds of things too closely is what puts giant knots in my back.
But I shall sleep good tonight.